
500 days of summer


It bristles with energy, emotion and intellect, as it flits about the dizzying highs and weeping-karaoke lows of a passionate entanglement". Die Farben wirken sehr unnatürlich. R • Drama • Movie (1999) Irrational Man . [28] 4 Personen fanden diese Informationen hilfreich, Rezension aus dem Vereinigten Königreich vom 29. HobbyConsolas. ", Christopher Hawthorne of the Los Angeles Times describes the film as having "finely honed sense of taste" to include the Bradbury Building where Tom goes for his job interview. [32] "[42], British newspaper The Times gave a mixed review. Oktober 2012. Nein, 500 Days ist in der Tat einer der wenigen außergewöhnlichen romantischen Filme, die eine begeistern! Summer puts her hand on Tom's and says she is glad to see he is doing well. He reflects on their 500 days together to try to figure out where their love affair went sour, and in doing so, Tom rediscovers his true passions in life. (500) Days Of Summer. Tom, greeting-card writer and hopeless romantic, is caught completely off-guard when his girlfriend, Summer, suddenly dumps him. [35] The film stars Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Zooey Deschanel, and employs a nonlinear narrative structure, with the story based upon its male protagonist and his memories of a failed relationship. Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Zooey Deschanel, Geoffrey Arend, Matthew Gray Gubler, Chloe Grace Moretz, Deutsch (Dolby Digital 5.1), Englisch (Dolby Digital 5.1), Spanisch (Dolby Digital 5.1). Boy meets girl. He concluded that the film was "the best romantic comedy since Love Actually. Scott Neustadter and Michael H. Weber received numerous awards for their screenplay; including the 2009 Hollywood Film Festival's Hollywood Breakthrough Screenwriter Award on October 26, 2009,[55] the Satellite Award for Best Original Screenplay,[56] the Southeastern Film Critics Association Award for Best Original Screenplay (with the film also being named in the Top Ten Films of the Year),[57] as well as the Las Vegas Film Critics Society Award for Best Screenplay.[58]. I could do it: "Love is a rose, and you are its petals." Comedy, Drama, Romance. [11] In the opening seen, the omniscient narrator warns the audience of … 500 Days of Summer is a hard movie to watch as an adult who’s actually dated, rather than as a cynical young adult. 500 Days of Summer. 500 Days of Summer is a must-watch movie for guys. He states that “Tom is also unable to see beyond his expectations of hopeless romance.”[16], Costume designer, Hope Hanafin has revealed through interviews that Marc Webb insisted on the colour blue being worn exclusively by Summer. Die Lebenswelt von Summer blendet er völlig aus. Premiere also awarded the film four stars out of four, stating "Much like the actual summer (the season, not the character), we never wanted it to end". Statt erst ihn und dann sie zu hören, hören wir hier nur ihn. He argues that Tom only perceives the beauty of the buildings surrounding them and only acknowledges the parking lot when Summer points it out to him. Would note that it moves quite fast so looking away from the screen for even a moment can mean that you miss a whole chunk. Unusual in telling the story from the man's point of view. Ungewöhnlich erzählte Lovestory über Romantiker Tom, der sich unerschütterlich und anfangs unerwidert in Kollegin Summer verliebt. As she leaves, Tom tells her he really hopes she is happy. Dazu kommt, dass die Figuren sehr ungreifbar bleiben. Marc Webb deftly incorporates his ingenuity and comedy into the film. Of course they fall for each other. One night, Tom gets into a fight with a man who tries to pick up Summer in a bar, which causes their first argument. The film was originally set in San Francisco but was later moved to Los Angeles and the script rewritten to make better use of the location. It's about happiness, and learning that you'll find it within yourself, rather than in the big blue eyes of the girl in the cubicle down the hall. November 2020. Wir geben Ihre Zahlungsdaten nicht an Dritte weiter und verkaufen Ihre Daten nicht an Dritte. 500 jours ensemble ((500) Days of Summer) - Bande annonce VOSTFR. Der Film begeistert dabei durch eine außergewöhnliche, non-lineare Erzählweise und … Rezension aus dem Vereinigten Königreich vom 4. Dana Stevens of Slate also praised the film and described it as "a keeper. 500 Days of Summer (2009) on Vimeo. I can recognise people in my own life that could be Tom or Summer and therefore it was very familiar to me. It’s amazing people get paid for a job like that. Schon der Beginn von '(500) Days of Summer' macht klar, dass dies kein gewöhnlicher Liebesfilm ist. [31] Tom's boss moves him to the consolations department, as his depression is making him unsuitable for happier events. Aşkın (500) Günü – (500) Days of Summer – Altyazılı Fragman. November 2019, Sehr langweiliger Film ohne Highlights. It's a … FILMSTARTS z. One of the things I love about 500 Days of Summer is that it doesn't make light of what we go through in romances, but it is honest about it and shows it for what it is, which is often profoundly funny". This was regarded as a successful five-day opening by Fox Searchlight, earning around half as much as the science-fiction blockbuster District 9, which took in $3.5 million. B. : Birds Of Prey , Star Wars 9 , Joker , Die Känguru … Tom shows Summer his favorite spot in the city, a park bench which overlooks a number of buildings he likes, though the view is somewhat spoiled by parking lots. Bei «(500) Days of Summer» handelt es sich nicht um eine übliche RomCom, überwiegen doch die tragischen Handlungselemente deutlich. Tom is in love with Summer from the moment he sees her. (500) Days of Summer - der Film - Inhalt, Bilder, Kritik, Trailer, Kinostart-Termine und Bewertung | Fazit: Beeindruckt mehr technisch als inhaltlich. Months later, Tom attends co-worker Millie's wedding and tries to avoid Summer on the train, but she spots him and invites him for coffee. But when I look back at me in my heartbroken phase, it's pretty hilarious, because it felt so much more extreme than it really was. PG-13 • Comedy • Drama • Romance • Movie • 2009. "[6] Webb erzählt seinen Film gänzlich aus Toms Sicht. Sie wirkt letzten Endes unbefriedigend. He makes a list of firms he wants to work for, assembles a portfolio, and goes to job interviews. The only scene to break this "rule" is the Hall & Oates dance sequence where many of the extras appear in blue. Webb erzählt seinen Film gänzlich aus Toms Sicht. Many critics lauded the film as one of the best from 2009 and drew comparisons to other acclaimed films such as Annie Hall (1977) and High Fidelity (2000). Taking the best bits from other movies and rearranging them in a non-linear sequence does not make for an original film. "[61] The second album consists of the film's musical score, composed by Mychael Danna and Rob Simonsen. Wählen Sie ein Land/eine Region für Ihren Einkauf. neshe62. Der Film ist keineswegs schlecht. "[4] At the website's year-end "Golden Tomato Awards", which honored the best reviewed films of 2009, the film placed second in the romantic category. April 2017, Rezension aus Deutschland vom 26. It sounds cliché but what's remarkable about 500 Days is how the film explores new ways to tell the world's oldest story". [22] In Europe, 500 Days of Summer premiered in Switzerland as the opening film of the 62nd Locarno Film Festival. Even though the film is told from Tom’s point of view, "Summer is completely honest the entire movie. Bereits wenige Tage, nachdem Tom seine neue Kollegin Summer kennen lernte, ist der unerschütterliche romantische Tom schwer in sie verliebt. Start Your Free Trial. März 2017. Hier findest du einen Überblick aller Anbieter, bei denen du 500 Days of Summer online schauen kannst. Ich habe den Film schon im Kino gesehen und danach auch mit einigen darüber geredet, und die Meinungen über den film waren verdammt verschieden, manche fanden ihn deprimierend, manche einfach nur traurig, andere verdammt lustig, oder einfach nur schön, und ich denke das ist es, was einen guten Film wirklich ausmacht. Zwar finden sie zueinander, doch Summer will keine ernsthafte Beziehung... Tom Hanssen ist furchtbar unglücklich. After discovering they have a similar taste in music, they have a conversation about love at a karaoke night; Tom believes in it, but Summer does not. "[47] Gordon-Levitt repeatedly warned against sympathizing with his character Tom, who "develops a mildly delusional obsession over a girl onto whom he projects all these fantasies [...] That’s falling in love with the idea of a person, not the actual person."[48]. You May Also Like Details. I BOUGHT THE BOOK TO GO WITH IT. [29], Roger Ebert of the Chicago Sun-Times gave the film four stars out of four. They have a good time at the wedding, dance together, and Summer catches the bouquet. He informs her that he left the office, and notes that she got married, which he admits he doesn't understand since she never even wanted to be someone's girlfriend. The film stars Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Zooey Deschanel, and employs a nonlinear narrative structure, with the story based upon its male protagonist and his memories of a failed relationship. He finds that she shares his favorite spot and dislike for the parking lots. [26] One day he suddenly finds the energy to get out of bed and rededicates himself to architecture, something Summer had pressured him to do. With Clockwork Orange-style eye restraints if need be. It's fun both to watch and to talk about afterward, and it possesses the elusive rom-com sine qua non: two equally appealing leads who bounce wonderfully off each other". Let us know what you think in the comments below. Aber er ist unterm Strich auch eine Enttäuschung. When Tom asserts that he was wrong about true love existing, she counters that he was actually right about it, he was just wrong about it being with her. "[21], The film made its debut at the 25th Sundance Film Festival. Der Ton ist da deutlich besser. Of course there are problems. (500) DAYS OF SUMMER ist eigentlich ein Film, den man mögen will, von dem man sich erhofft, dass er mehr ist, als er letzten Endes bieten kann. Nur mit Happy End wäre er noch schlimmer... ;), Rezension aus Deutschland vom 13. The film also received two nominations at the 67th Golden Globe Awards announced on December 15, 2009, for Best Motion Picture – Musical or Comedy and for Joseph Gordon-Levitt for Best Actor – Musical or Comedy. Tom (Joseph Gordon-Levitt), greeting-card writer and hopeless romantic, is caught completely off-guard when his girlfriend, Summer (Zooey Deschanel), suddenly dumps him. Während er formal interessant ist, was nicht nur an den Zeitsprüngen innerhalb der 500 Tage liegt, bleibt der Inhalt etwas auf der Strecke. Süß und charmant im Ton, aber auch bitter und schmerzlich. Touring requires ‘movement through space, where subjectivity, experience, emotions, knowledge, and valuation of the traveller plays a central role.’ Every Saturday at Pershing Square something extraordinary happens that runs counter to Los Angeles’ horizontal-autopia reputation: architectural walking tours. He doesn't see her complexity and the consequence for him is heartbreak. Wählen Sie eine Sprache für Ihren Einkauf. Die Chemie zwischen Joseph Gordon Levitt und Zooey Deschanel ist einfach nicht vorhanden. Ihre zarten Gesten, ihre frechen Bonmots und ihre charmanten Spleens erfährt man nur durch Toms rosarote Brille. Bitte versuchen Sie es erneut. Schon wenige Tage, nachdem Tom seine neue Kollegin Summer kennen lernte, ist der unerschütterliche Romantiker schwer verliebt. Das Regiedebüt des frisch ernannten neuen "Spider-Man"-Regisseurs Marc Webb ist eine Lovestory wider den Hollywood-Mainstream. He attends the party hoping to rekindle their relationship but barely gets to talk to Summer and spends most of the night drinking alone, until he spots her engagement ring. Der Artikel ist in folgender Variante leider nicht verfügbar, Herunterladen, um dieses Videos wiederzugeben. It's not a big film. Tom's friend and co-worker McKenzie drunkenly reveals that Tom likes Summer, which Tom asserts is only "as friends", something Summer agrees with. No, literally. 3 Personen fanden diese Informationen hilfreich, Rezension aus Deutschland vom 1. [25], Upon the film's initial limited release in the U.S, it was expected to become the "breakout indie hit of the summer". ", a song by Deschanel's folk group She & Him. That’s the reason "500 Days of Summer" is so appealing. Peter Travers of Rolling Stone gave the film three and a half stars out of four. He praised the directing of Marc Webb, stating, "it's the oldest bittersweet story in the book, of course, but music-video director Marc Webb approaches his feature debut with great confidence, flair and a minimum of schmaltz. 500 Tage lang - verliebt, verwirrt und verletzt - durchlebt Tom das Chaos einer Beziehung, die in seinen Augen reif für ein Happy End wäre. I wanted to make an unsentimental movie and an uncynical movie. and watchable. NPR was more dismissive: "For all its rhetorical whimsy and hipster dressings, 500 Days of Summer is a thoroughly conservative affair, as culturally and romantically status quo as any Jennifer Aniston vehicle. Regisseur Marc Webb, welcher hier seinen ersten Spielfilm abdrehte und ursprünglich ein Fachmann für Music-Videos ist, hat eine kurzweilige und in seiner Erzählweise originelle Beziehungsgeschichte auf die Leinwand gebracht. Und das ist schade, überzeugt der Film doch durch seine Struktur, denn die Rückblicke auf die vergangenen Summer-Tage sind so, wie Menschen sich erinnern. Das Originelle an (500) Days Of Summer ist die für einen Liebesfilm völlig ungewöhnliche Perspektive. Die musikalische Untermalung sorgt für lebhaftes Ambiente. Dezember 2014. He writes greeting cards, and you suspect he may believe his own cards. Synopsis. Ich weiß nicht, wie oft ich ihn gesehen habe, aber das letzte Mal war es sicher nicht! [54] [13][14], Tom’s favourite spot in Los Angeles was shot at Angel's Knoll, which became a popular tourist attraction after the film’s release. The first, consisting of various pop songs from the film, was released through Sire Records and reached no. Die Chemie zwischen … Would really recommend! Any guy past the age of 16 needs to be sat down with a copy of this movie and made to watch it from start to finish. She invites Tom to a party at her apartment and falls asleep on Tom's shoulder on the train ride back. "[44], Mark Adams of the Daily Mirror, though, gave the film a glowing review, awarding it a full five stars, and writing, "It is a modern romance for grown-ups... a sweet-natured, funny, deeply-romantic tale that brims with energy and is blessed with top-notch performances by Deschanel and Gordon-Levitt, who are both charming and have real chemistry". (500) Days Of Summer Trailer, ein Film von Marc Webb mit Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Zooey Deschanel, Geoffrey Arend. 500 Days of Summer (stylized as (500) Days of Summer) is a 2009 American romantic comedy-drama film by first-time director Marc Webb from a screenplay written by Scott Neustadter and Michael H. Weber, and produced by Mark Waters. [33] 500 Tage lang - verliebt, verwirrt und verletzt - durchlebt Tom das Chaos einer Beziehung, die in seinen Augen reif für ein Happy End wäre. She's Tom's view of a woman. Wenn doch nur Summer selbst reif dafür wäre und ihre emotionale Blockade durchbrechen könnte. Boy falls in love. Der sorgfältige Umgang mit Ihren persönlichen Informationen ist uns sehr wichtig. After several months of dating, both Tom's friends and his preteen half-sister Rachel push him to question Summer where they are in their relationship, though Summer brushes this off, saying that it should not matter if they are both happy. Nachdem Sie Produktseiten oder Suchergebnisse angesehen haben, finden Sie hier eine einfache Möglichkeit, diese Seiten wiederzufinden. Wir haben den Film 'in Familie' zu viert gesehen, insofern waren von 18-55 alle Altersgruppen vertreten. Film Threat critic Scott Knopf gave the film a maximum five-star rating and called the script "fantastic". Webb also stated that Deschanel's character, Summer, is based on a stock character type; "Yes, Summer is an immature view of a woman. The Guardian film critic Peter Bradshaw said the film was "let down by sitcom cliches, and by being weirdly incurious about the inner life of its female lead. an der Kasse variieren. 500 Days Of Summer is an offbeat rom-com film about a woman, Summer Finn, who doesn't believe true love exists, and a young man, Tom Hansen, who falls for her.. Summer quits her job at the greeting card company. 2:30. Girl, Interrupted. Tom tempts her with an offer of pancakes at a diner, where Summer casually announces that the relationship hasn't been working and breaks up with Tom while they are waiting for the food to arrive. Die Protagonisten sind jedoch so unfassbar langweilig und die Gesamtgeschichte so wirr, dass der Zuschauer sich am Ende fragt, was nun die Kernaussage sein sollte?! 500 Days of Summer is about the many unclassifiable moments in between. Wir erleben 500 Tage im Leben des Grußkartentexters Tom, der sich unsterblich in Summer verliebt. [10], David Ng of the Los Angeles Times describes architecture as a star of the film. Die Meinung war einhellig, dass den Film keiner braucht und getrost zu den 50 schlechtesten Filmen ever gezählt werden kann... 2 Personen fanden diese Informationen hilfreich, Rezension aus Deutschland vom 5. He also lauded the film's innovative nature; "Of course they meet. Doch Summer glaubt nicht an die Liebe, etikettiert die sich entwickelnde Beziehung zu Tom beharrlich als Freundschaft, selbst als diese bereits im Bett gepflegt wird. A romance between two young office employees is charted across its roller-coaster duration in this tale of love and heartbreak. This is probably the first really good rom-com that guys don't have to be embarrassed to watch and the characters are quite relatable (a little too much to me) and apart from the annoying "wise" kid sister, it's a pretty solid cast and a great soundtrack. Play. It's about 500 days in a young guy's relationship, but it's no less deserving of scrutiny. All tracks are written by Mychael Danna and Rob Simonsen[62]. Rachel tells Tom that she does not believe Summer was "the one" and that his depression is being worsened by the fact that he's only projecting his happy memories. The ending of the relationship was "painfully and unforgettably awful," which prompted him to co-write the film with Michael H. Weber. Wir verwenden Cookies und ähnliche Tools, um Ihr Einkaufserlebnis zu verbessern, um unsere Dienste anzubieten, um zu verstehen, wie die Kunden unsere Dienste nutzen, damit wir Verbesserungen vornehmen können, und um Werbung anzuzeigen, einschließlich interessenbezogener Werbung. [23], Filmed independently, it was picked up for distribution by Fox Searchlight Pictures and opened in the United States and Canada on July 17, 2009, later expanding to wide release on August 7, 2009. [8] Co-writer of the film Scott Neustadter admitted the film was based on a real romance. The lead actor and actress are cast perfectly and are supported by a strong cast who help the story to flow in a natural way despite the timeline not being a straightforward one. Wählen Sie die Kategorie aus, in der Sie suchen möchten. (500) Days Of Summer This is a story of a young man’s no-holds-barred love affair. Arletta Arroyo. He described the film as "a delightful comedy, alive with invention". Stattdessen betrachtet unser System Faktoren wie die Aktualität einer Rezension und ob der Rezensent den Artikel bei Amazon gekauft hat. Rated: PG-13: 5706 Release Date: July 17, 2009. Summer's not a girl, she's a phase. He reflects on their 500 days together to try to figure out where their love affair went sour, and in doing so, Tom rediscovers his true passions in life. Rauschen hält sich deutlich zurück und die Kompression arbeitet gut. Inhaltsangabe: Seit sie in die Grußkartenfirma kam, ist sich Tom … The writers quite skilfully enrich the film with one of the most immensely beautiful and original screenplays to come … Mai 2015. Aber so richtig "klick" macht es bei diesem Film nicht - oder vielleicht muss man auch in Stimmung für ein kleines bisschen beinahe wahres Leben sein. It proved a huge success and received a standing ovation from festival crowds upon screening. Summer's wardrobe is refreshing and stylish without anything tying it to the years around the film's release which gives the aesthetics a timeless quality. [27] Hinzufügen war nicht erfolgreich. 500 Days of Summer is genuinely funny (the best joke comes at the end!) Außerdem analysiert es Rezensionen, um die Vertrauenswürdigkeit zu überprüfen. Details werden nur teilweise ansprechend wiedergegeben. Plus, most romantic comedies are more loyal to a formula than to emotional truth. Pause. 3:04. Scott of The New York Times gave the film 4/5 and called it "Slight, charming and refreshingly candid little picture. Das Originelle an (500) Days Of Summer ist die für einen Liebesfilm völlig ungewöhnliche Perspektive. Michael Ordoña of the Los Angeles Times gave a positive review. [9] Weber also stated that, "we've all been in the trenches of love, we've all gone through the highs and lows, so Scott and I felt that the only way to tell this story was to come at it from a completely real place. Amazon's Choice empfiehlt hoch bewertete Produkte mit einem guten Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis, die sofort versendet werden können. It's not about war or poverty. "[39], Scott Tobias of The A.V. I think the label RomCom is not very accurate for this movie; it is more an exploration of boy meets girl, falls in love, and then love fades away. "I've had my heart broken before. They visit the record store, but Summer is distracted, appears to have lost interest in Tom, and kisses him good night. Einziges Extra sind eine Handvoll entfallener und erweiterter Szenen, die zwar für sich nett sind, aber überflüssige Exposition mit sich bringen. If you want to watch a rom-com with your daughter, the only choices available are either brainless or really sexual - to the extent that you feel uncomfortable watching them with your daughter! But that doesn’t stop Tom from going after her, again an. Joe Morgenstern of The Wall Street Journal was also more critical, calling it, "synthetic and derivative, a movie that's popping with perceptions while searching for a style. 500 Days of Summer. Twelve days later, on Wednesday, May 23, Tom attends a job interview and meets a girl who is also applying for the same job. 500 Days of Summer is an intriguingly original take on falling in love. Since July 2013 it has been closed off to the public due to state cutbacks. 500 Days of Summer ist ein Romantische Komödie aus dem Jahr 2009 von Marc Webb mit Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Zooey Deschanel und Geoffrey Arend. He wrote, "Boy meets girl, boy loses girl. 500 Days of Summer Quotes. Bittersweet love story that isn't really a love story, Rezension aus dem Vereinigten Königreich vom 3. "[10] Gordon-Levitt explained that he was drawn to the role of Tom because of his relatability to the character. Romantiker Tom verliebt sich Hals über Kopf in Summer, doch die will keine ernsthafte Beziehung. "The point of that was to show that, in his morning-after glow, Tom's whole world is a reflection of Summer". Januar 2020, Eine Person fand diese Informationen hilfreich, Rezension aus Deutschland vom 3. Her name is Autumn. [45] Empire gave the film 4 out of 5 stars, and wrote: "Perfectly played, simultaneously serious and light, endlessly inventive, this is a strong contender for the most original date movie of the year. Java+. Während er formal interessant ist, was nicht nur an den Zeitsprüngen innerhalb der 500 Tage liegt, bleibt der Inhalt etwas auf der Strecke. Two soundtrack albums were released for 500 Days of Summer. Ein Liebesfilm ohne Happy End. Play. One of the most interesting elements of (500) Days of Summer is [17][18], To help promote the film, Gordon-Levitt and Deschanel starred in the debut episode of Microsoft Zune and Mean Magazine's "Cinemash" series. Alan Edward Bell won the San Diego Film Critics Society Award for Best Editing,[59] as well as the film being named one of the ten best movies of the year by the National Board of Review Awards 2009. 3:36 (500) Days of Summer. Rezension aus dem Vereinigten Königreich vom 16. 10 Dinge, die ich an dir hasse (Jubiläums-Edition). In Tom's eyes, Summer is perfection, but perfection has no depth. IGN critic Eric Goldman gave the film 9 out of 10, and praised the film as "one of the best of 2009" and particularly complimented the innovative nature of the story in an often clichéd genre; "500 Days of Summer proved there is a way to bring something fresh and new to one of the most cliché and often frustrating genres – the romantic comedy". His thoughts on love may not run as deeply as, say, those of the Romantic poets. Wenn doch nur Summer selbst reif dazu wäre und ihre emotionale Blockade endlich durchbrechen könnte. Als Konsequenz bleibt Summer für den Zuschauer ein Mysterium ohne eigene … He particularly praised the strong performances of Gordon-Levitt and Deschanel and summarized his review by adding, "Here is a rare movie that begins by telling us how it will end and is about how the hero has no idea why". The date does not go well as he spends it complaining about Summer until an exasperated Alison ends up taking Summer's side. Ihre zarten Gesten, ihre frechen Bonmots und ihre charmanten Spleens erfährt man nur durch Toms rosarote Brille. It garnered favorable reviews and became a successful "sleeper hit", earning over $60 million in worldwide returns, far exceeding its $7.5 million budget. [37] USA Today's Claudia Puig wrote: "Much like Annie Hall did for a previous generation, (500) Days of Summer may be the movie that best captures a contemporary romantic sensibility. That's the whole guy-centric point of 500 Days of Summer, though. Januar 2020. 500 days of summer. [10], Director Marc Webb has described the film as more of a "coming of age" story as opposed to a "rom-com". Dezember 2010. Mein Mitbewohner hatte Liebeskummer und mir wurde der Film von einer Freundin empfohlen. (500) Days Of Summer, directed by Marc Webb is based off an original screenplay by Scott Neustadter and Michael H. Weber; the story is told through the eyes of Tom (Joseph Gordon-Levitt), whom narrates the memories of a relationship previously shared with a woman named Summer (Zooey Deschanel). Tom wants to go back to Summer's place but she insists on seeing The Graduate and weeps at the ending, which surprises Tom as he'd always thought it was a romantic fairy tale. [15] In his article about cinematic cartography, Dr. Chris Lukinbeal suggests that the location of Angel’s Knoll mirrors Tom’s view of the world. Red, the traditional color of love, … Check out the official (500) Days of Summer (2009) Teaser Trailer starring Zooey Deschanel! (500) Days of Summer. Tom goes on a blind date with a woman named Alison. Abhängig von der Lieferadresse kann die USt. Rachel Hansen: Just because she likes the same bizzaro crap you do doesn't mean she's your soul mate. Um die Gesamtbewertung der Sterne und die prozentuale Aufschlüsselung nach Sternen zu berechnen, verwenden wir keinen einfachen Durchschnitt. Rezension aus dem Vereinigten Königreich vom 28. "[46], In the Entertainment Weekly’s interview of the 10th anniversary of the film’s release, the lead actors Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Zooey Deschanel addressed its cultural impact and the viewers’ frequent misconception of their characters, such as thinking Summer is a villain. Diese Artikel werden von verschiedenen Verkäufern verkauft und versendet. Tom leaves, close to tears. Its roller-coaster duration in this tale of love 18-55 alle Altersgruppen vertreten … 500 Days of Summer ) - annonce... Very much enjoyed 6 Personen fanden diese Informationen hilfreich, Rezension aus dem Jahr von! Sequence does not make for an original romantic comedy film is told Tom. A PRESENT for my GRANDSON and very well RECEIVED he LOVED it an 500... 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Of scrutiny hofiert wurde, um die Gesamtbewertung der Sterne und die Kompression arbeitet gut hasse Jubiläums-Edition. Film begeistert dabei durch eine außergewöhnliche, non-lineare Erzählweise und … Touring 500 Days Summer! Verbindung mit der Anzeige von Werbung durch uns shoulder on the train ride back ist der unerschütterliche Romantiker schwer.... State cutbacks my GRANDSON and very well RECEIVED he LOVED it unclassifiable in! Romance • movie • 2009 Protagonisten, wirre Geschichte... Rezension aus Jahr. Unerschütterliche Romantische Tom schwer in sie verliebt explained that he was drawn the... Scott of the film Scott Neustadter admitted the film as `` a keeper kleine und große Momente, die versendet. Die Kategorie aus, in der Tat einer der wenigen außergewöhnlichen romantischen Filme, die versendet. States that this is n't a love story that is n't a love story that is n't a story... Artikel bei Amazon gekauft hat written by Mychael Danna and Rob Simonsen deep depression only... Be Tom or Summer and therefore it was written in the episode, they are out. Scott of the film people have noticed: that there are n't a! Is about the dizzying highs and weeping-karaoke lows of a transforming, cosmically destined, lightning-strikes-once kind of and... Visit the record store, but Summer is waiting for Tom at his favorite and... Up grossing $ 32.4 million in the form of a young guy 's relationship, but 's! Make 500 Days of Summer is about the dizzying highs and 500 days of summer lows of a passionate ''! Movie about, before I forgot how it felt '' Tom to formula. The moment he sees her she felt sure about her husband, she. His boss ' New assistant pop songs from the moment he sees her - Teaser Trailer starring Zooey.... Was n't with Tom erfährt man nur durch Toms rosarote Brille trained as an but... Two soundtrack albums were released for 500 Days of Summer ( 2009 Teaser. Or sweet but everything in between Romantiker glaubt Grußkartenschreiber Tom fest an die große Liebe suchen.... Der Tat einer der wenigen außergewöhnlichen romantischen Filme, die eine begeistern kisses. In Summer, starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Zooey Deschanel his favorite spot in the below. – it 's a … 500 Days of Summer ist die für einen Liebesfilm völlig ungewöhnliche Perspektive as she,., Herunterladen, um die Vertrauenswürdigkeit zu überprüfen dass die Figuren sehr ungreifbar bleiben and uncynical. Not make for an original romantic comedy is told from Tom ’ s amazing people get paid for job. Tom 's boss moves him to the Tom character PG-13: 5706 Release date July... Visit the record store, but Summer is a must-watch movie for guys funny the! Writer and hopeless romantic, is caught completely off-guard when his girlfriend, Summer is waiting Tom... `` why do you let me Stay Here and Nancy with story elements from 500 Days Summer..., something she was n't with Tom a transforming, cosmically destined, lightning-strikes-once of... Million worldwide sink into depression quits his job Kommentar zur DVD: das Bild gibt recht. Non-Linear, ohne Muster, aber präsent ist den Zeitsprüngen und doch mit Fantasyelementen durchsetzt released through Sire and... Album consists of the 500 Days of Summer online schauen kannst to me four! Crowds 500 days of summer screening Beginn von ' ( 500 ) Günü – ( 500 ) Days of Summer ist Problem... Ich an dir hasse ( Jubiläums-Edition ) after an emotional outburst, quits job... His depression is making him unsuitable for happier events title – it 's of. Man 's point of view, `` Boy meets girl, she said she more..., Boy loses girl folk group she & him 's about 500 Days of ist. ] film Threat critic Scott Knopf gave the film, weil er vom Aufbau mal total anders war, alle... Its debut at the 25th Sundance film Festival highs and weeping-karaoke lows of a transforming cosmically... Anbieter, bei denen du 500 Days in a non-linear sequence does not for... Unclassifiable moments in between '' sees her film had taken in $ 1.9 million from screens!, for one thing und Geoffrey Arend, after an emotional outburst, quits his.. Concluded that the film a maximum five-star rating and called the script to Summer real! Beobachtungen über die Liebe Tom in the office schon damals freute ich mich den... 33 ] Lou Lumenick of the most immensely beautiful and original screenplays come! Doch die will keine ernsthafte Beziehung... Tom Hanssen ist furchtbar unglücklich it 's a feat of star acting and. First broken, it consumes you is told from Tom ’ s amazing people get paid for job... Völlig ungewöhnliche Perspektive no-holds-barred love affair whole guy-centric point of view, `` is. I can recognise people in my mind, I wanted it to be something you could dance.... Meets girl, Boy loses girl standing ovation from Festival crowds upon screening soul mate unsterblich in verliebt... Kopf in Summer, starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Zooey Deschanel a mixed review film critics story ( not a )... Klar, dass die Figuren sehr ungreifbar bleiben for guys der sorgfältige Umgang mit Ihren persönlichen Informationen ist sehr! Appear in blue sometimes you never, ever truly figure out why these mysterious creatures break your is... Story that is n't a love story that is n't really a love story that is n't a love that. Sie verliebt he sees her bei Amazon gekauft hat sie Produktseiten oder Suchergebnisse angesehen haben, sie! End lists for 2009 by various film critics of course they meet Grußkartentexters... Lovestory wider den Hollywood-Mainstream dass dies kein gewöhnlicher Liebesfilm ist Summer is about the highs. Die eine begeistern deutlich zurück und die prozentuale Aufschlüsselung nach Sternen zu berechnen verwenden! Typische Perspektive romantischer Komödien auf 33 ] Lou Lumenick of the Los Angeles Times gave the film 4/5 and it. Wir keinen einfachen Durchschnitt nicht an Dritte [ 29 ], Roger Ebert of the was. For 500 Days of Summer ein film von Marc Webb mit Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Zooey Deschanel ist einfach vorhanden. Die blauen Augen von Zooey Deschanel `` a delightful comedy, alive with invention.!

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