
bill gates' instagram


Operating from a place of peace is always crucial and necessary, and planting seeds that inspire critical questioning as to what we are really doing here on planet Earth is key. Click here to check out a sneak peek and learn more. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Chairman Bill Gates speaks during the 2019 New Economy Forum at the China Center for International Economic Exchanges on November 21, 2019, in Beijing, China. Gently explain that tagging and tracking humans may appeal to his government cronies in totalitarian China, but those activities are inconsistent with American values and traditions. Of the children observed, 25% had new onset anxiety and even nightmares. Bill Gates has declared he will continue to wear a face mask over the next few months as an added ... Instagram. How many followers does Bill Gates have on Instagram? In a meta-analysis of evidence level Ia commissioned by the WHO, no effect of masks in the context of influenza virus pandemic prevention could be demonstrated. This in my opinion is a problem. The fact that simple discussion and pieces of evidence that change the narrative, or threaten it, are being shut down, censored and completely ridiculed is quite concerning. Bill joined Instagram and his first post was from Tanzania, where he had lunch with students at the Kicheba Primary School in Muheza. So where is the evidence? As was the case pre-pandemic, certificates of vaccination are a part of international travel to certain regions and are naturally to be expected when it comes to this pandemic and the coronavirus. The Gates-funded report boasts that the chip system will allow “house-to-house” compliance searches to be conducted by government enforcement teams with “minimal training,” and will “open up new avenues for decentralized data storage and biosensing.” The #MIT paper is titled “Biocompatible near-infrared quantum dots delivered to the skin by microneedle patches to record vaccination.” Gates began funding implantable tracking chips and ratio biotechnology in 2011 with a grant to TransDerm Inc. Gates is currently making multiple investments to develop different versions, including grants to Vaxxas Pty Ltd, Micron Biomedical Inc, Georgia Institute of Technology, and Vaxess Technologies Inc. This article summarizes what was said by a former U.S. senator, and much more. The researchers of this particular meta-analysis outline a significant amount of evidence that calls into question the ability for facemasks to protect somebody from COVID, as well as stop the spread of the virus. Are there more people who are questioning, doing their own research and thinking for themselves instead of letting big corporations/philanthropists think for them and telling them what is necessary? This kind of ‘awakening’ will only increase as we move forward, and major events like coronavirus, just like 9/11, will only contribute to humanities great awakening. It’s always great when the topic attains more “legitimacy” within the mainstream, but it’s unfortunate that something has to be presented in this fashion for it to receive legitimacy. Perhaps our definition of “evidence” needs to change in order to go above and beyond the limitations of “science.”. Perhaps that is a conspiracy theory? It’s unsettling that governments are able to roll out measures that continually go against the will of so many people. Furthermore, if governments and intelligence agencies come out and say “this is what we know” can we really trust them at this point? Both masks and face shields caused fear in 46% of children (37 out of 80) in a scientific study. Special note to readers: This is the most comprehensive investigation into both sides of the vaccine debate. One of those facts was that more scientists and doctors are becoming hesitant about vaccine safety as well. Canada is slightly under the global average (66%) for agreement on near-term national use – India (81%) and Peru (81%) are most likely to think their countries will be using vaccine passports widely before the end of 2021, while residents of Russia (32%), Poland (45%), and 2021 Olympics host Japan (43%) are significantly less likely to agree. Should governments have this kind of power? Why does the vaccine hesitancy movement continue to grow, and do health authorities have the right to impose mandatory vaccination measures? The government may or may not care about the resolution of the U.F.O enigma. This seems to be a high probability, even within the mainstream. He has since left this organization. I urge you to contact Bill Gates on his social media. Eric W. Davis, a renowned astrophysicist who worked with the Pentagon UFO program stated that he gave a classified briefing to a Defense Department Agency, as recently as March 2020 about retrievals from “off-world vehicles not made on this Earth.” Christopher Mellon, a former Deputy Assistant Defense Secretary for Intelligence from 1997 to 2002 has confirmed that he was  present during this testimony. Why are concerns always ignored and in some cases ridiculed? Sign up to get unfiltered news delivered straight to your inbox. Going to have to pas on any vaccines you’re cooking up as well – but I do wish you well.”. There are those who believe the vaccine is and will be safe and effective for everyone, and that it will do a great job at stopping the transmission of the virus. Is it because we feel like our rights and freedoms are being slowly taken away, bit by bit, under the guise of good will? With many issues, our thoughts and perceptions are completely programmed into us and they’re not even our own, so it’s encouraging to start seeing so many people think for themselves and judging by most of the comments from Bill Gates’ instagram, this is happening with a lot of people. In one case, a man flew from China to Toronto and subsequently tested positive for COVID-19. Instagram Bill Gates, the co-founder and former CEO of Microsoft, has an estimated net worth of $92.3 billion, according to Forbes. It’s great to see and know that this topic is no longer taboo to discuss. We are living in a special time and the more this critical questioning continues, the more those who don’t like it and are threatened by our questioning will continue to try and push measures upon us under the guise of good will. Bill Gates' latest instagram post has been littered with comments accusing him of crimes against humanity and other accusations, expressing concerns about vaccinations and more. The discussion of what these objects are seems to be the next step, and it’s being had, but it’s taken decades for the topic to exit the “taboo” realm, how long will it take for the implications of the phenomenon and deeper questions that it leads to, to be considered no longer taboo? As I’ve said many times, I don’t think we will ever get anything significant from government disclosure than what’s already known about the phenomenon among researchers who have been studying it for decades. Nevertheless, a combination of occasional mask-wearing with adequate hand-washing caused a slight reduction in infections for influenza in one study, . All of this is discussed within the article. Many of the comments emphasize that people will not be taking a coronavirus vaccine. This type of digital identification, like Gate’s  ID2020 initiative, is still vague, unclear and confusing to many. The article mentions the topic of UFO crash retrievals, which is the idea that governments have, in this case the U.S. government, recovered debris from crashed UFOs. Is more information concealed for national security purposes, or other purposes? No matter how much information and evidence is presented to support a particular idea, we’re always left with a divide among people. In Canada,  according to Ipsos, six in ten Canadians, compared to a global average of 54%, say that only people who have been vaccinated should be allowed to travel, attend sporting events, use public transit and other activities that involve larger groups of people. Wearing facemasks has been demonstrated to have substantial adverse physiological and psychological effects. Is this really effective? Even more secretive is the National Reconnaissance Office, which was founded in 1960 but remained completely secret for 30 years. Speaking truth to power since he learned to talk, Baxter has travelled in over 80 countries and won arguments in every single one. “The most important thing are the epidemiologic data,” said Rutherford. Again, the majority of the comments deal with vaccines, and people’s desire not to take them and constantly explaining how they should not be mandatory. In an effort to address the problem of poor record-keeping in “low-resource settings,” such as developing countries, that research proposed keeping a record of vaccination on a patient’s skin. His statement is  another way of saying that these technologies exist within the “science division”, wherever that may be. Because it would be unethical to assign people to not wear a mask during a pandemic, the epidemiological evidence has come from so-called “experiments of nature.”. Place your hand over your chest area, near your heart. Click here to learn why we suggest this. Along with their parents, the children prefer the practitioner to wear a face visor. The researchers discovered and confirmed that “relevant, undesired medical, organ, and organ system-related phenomena by wearing masks occur in multiple fields of internal medicine.” These fields are neurology, psychology, psychiatry, gynecology, dermatology, ENT medicine, dentistry, sports medicine, sociology, microbiology, epidemiology, pediatrics and environmental medicine. Are human beings at a point in our culture where we are capable of exploring this topic without labelling phenomenon as “demonic” or “angelic.” Can’t we just accept that there may be other consciousness’ in the universe that takes on a similar, but different physical form? I just had a great lunch…” Moroti Olatujoye. Scientists from Singapore were able to demonstrate in their Ib study published in the renowned journal “nature” that 106 children aged between 7 and 14 years who wore FFP2 masks for only 5 min showed an increase in the inspiratory and expiratory CO2 levels, indicating disturbed respiratory physiology. But again, it’s unfortunate that there seems to be a “mainstream culture”, for lack of a better word, that dictates what can be spoken about still. What Happened: The idea of vaccine certificates, or vaccine “passports” have been a common theme throughout this pandemic, and they are already being implemented. Due to the similar size and distribution pathways of the virus species (influenza and Corona, see above), the data can also be transferred to SARS-CoV-2, . Dr. David Clarke, an investigative journalist, reader and lecturer at Sheffield Hallam University who was also the curator for The National Archives UFO Project from 2008–2013, came across some interesting documents suggesting that the UK was desperate to capture UFO technology. How do we know? … It’s a complicated topic that’s been drenched in secrecy for years. Again, this may be difficult due to the ridiculing of any evidence, opinion, and discussion around this, which is why we have chosen to cover these topics. A majority of Canadians expect vaccine passports to be widely used in Canada by the end of the year, with six in ten (61%) who agree (26% strongly/35% somewhat). – PM Trudeau. They believe that “extended mask-wearing by the general population could lead to relevant effects and consequences in many medical fields.”. Jennifer K. Gates, the daughter of Microsoft founder Bill Gates, got her first dose of the Covid-19 vaccine on Friday and offered a lighthearted debunking of one conspiracy theory around it. This data is quite eye opening and really makes you wonder how well thought out these mandates are, and what long term consequences they could have. For example, when it comes to the pediatric section, they explain: Children are particularly vulnerable and may be more likely to receive inappropriate treatment or additional harm…Special attention must be paid to the respiration of children, which represents a critical and vulnerable physiological variable due to higher oxygen demand, increased hypoxia susceptibility of the CNS, lower respiratory reserve, smaller airways with a stronger increase in resistance when the lumen is narrowed. There are also questions about how long immunity will last for in those who have been vaccinated, and whether or not they will require booster shots due to waning immunity. Many things to think about, it’s time to become an active engager in this reality as sitting back may no longer be an option. In a recent interview, Bill Gates, the co-founder of Microsoft was asked if he would share the recipe of the COVID vaccine to the developing nations. Why is it that when government tries to find out, it’s “official” but when citizens try and do it, it’s a “cult?”. One of the challenges in answering the question of do ‘masks work to stop COVID spread’ is that the “yes” narrative is given so much attention, while the “no” narrative is ridicule, ignored, and in many cases deemed a “conspiracy theory.” Later in this piece I will get more into the discussion of whether masks work to stop the spread of COVID, but first let’s explore what this meta analysis says about the side effects of long term mask wearing. Many users also commented on the fact Bill Gates has been deleting the torrent of critical comments from his page. Bill Gates is predicting that business travel and office work won't return to pre-pandemic levels in the future. What are the justifications for UFO secrecy? In my research I haven’t really come across anything that is indicative of a threat, so I hope mainstream coverage and government disclosure doesn’t take it there. What if somebody already has antibodies from natural infection? In children, the threat of scenarios generated by the environment are further maintained via masks, in some cases, even further intensified, and in this way, existing stress is intensified. He is having a team manage them and delete them but the inundation is so great they can’t keep up. Bill Gates posted a Thank you Message to health care workers and his followers immediately attacked him and if you go the instagram page to read,you will be shocked.. And on a global scale it looks like we are bound to see a split between people who agree and people who disagree, and this includes many doctors and scientists in the field, for various reasons. If children are given the choice of whether the doctor examining them should wear a mask they reject this in 49% of the cases. The project was co-led by Rice University bioengineer Kevin McHugh during his time at MIT. There are also those who believe the opposite, that the vaccine is not safe and effective for everyone and its ability to stop the transmission of the virus is weak, and not yet known. The comments on his instagram post are also calling for the arrest of Bill Gates, and many commenters are constantly asking why he’s deleted his comments, and if he pays somebody to delete them. If you’d like to get a full scope of the health harms that can result from extended periods of mask wearing, I suggest you go through it. Why are narratives that oppose what we are told from government as well as mainstream media never really discussed and in many cases, ignored or deemed a “conspiracy”? Governments, policy makers and health organizations should utilize prosper and scientific evidence-based approach with respect to wearing facemasks, when the latter is considered as preventive intervention for public health. I suggest you refer to the study to go through the others. that he gave a classified briefing to a Defense Department Agency, Facemasks in the COVID-19 era: A health hypothesis”. “Money doesn’t give you any rights against the people. The needles dissolve under the skin, leaving the encapsulated quantum dots. 392.9k Followers, 1,262 Following, 194 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Jennifer Gates (@jenniferkgates) 458.8k Likes, 440.8k Comments - Bill Gates (@thisisbillgates) on Instagram: “Thank you to all of the health care workers who are making heroic efforts to test and treat…” These include hypoxia, hypercapnia, shortness of breath, increased acidity and toxicity, activation of fear and stress response, rise in stress hormones, immunosuppression, fatigue, headaches, decline in cognitive performance, predisposition for viral and infectious illnesses, chronic stress, anxiety and depression. Click below to watch a sneak peek of our brand new course! Gates had correctly predicted a global health pandemic in 2015, where he had said the world is not … In the United States, a slim majority (56%) agree vaccination passports are likely to become the norm this year. Many of the people with blue check marks have millions of followers. You need to be charged for crimes against humanity,” said schizandramaier in a comment that garnered hundreds of likes. BILL GATES: the world has got your number… and they are dialing it RIGHT NOW. Masks are responsible for the aforementioned physiological changes with rises in inhaled carbon dioxide and small sustained increases in heart rate and mild but sustained increases in respiratory rates. It leaves no aspect of humanity untouched, it goes into consciousness, physics, the nature of our society, history, other dimensions and more, but many people within this community don’t want to go there until it is “confirmed” by a “credible” source. What’s happening right now is a positive thing, various governments and those who they’re connected to will take actions, but how we respond to it is up to us. This is an idea that has been given credibility by many “high ranking” people from within various governments. There are several strands of evidence supporting the efficacy of masks. The caption of his first oost reads, ‘Hello from Tanzania, Instagram! Hou Yu / China News Service / VCG via … Gates and his wife invited Joan Salwen to Seattle to speak about what the family had done, and on December 9, 2010, Bill and Melinda Gates and investor Warren Buffett each signed a commitment they called the "Giving Pledge", which is a commitment by all three to donate at least half of their wealth, over the course of time, to charity. Billionaire Bill Gates Says “No” to Sharing Vaccine Recipes With Poor Countries. This article simply provides a brief summary, so it’s important to refer to the study. Due to the similar size and distribution pathways of the virus species (influenza and Corona, see above), the data can also be transferred to SARS-CoV-2. Less than 10% of the mask wearers surveyed had a stress level lower than 8 out of a possible 10. Candace Owens, for example, writes “Wow. It tested an invisible dye that could last up to five years and be read with a specially adapted smartphone. Perhaps we’re being asked to question that and mature in our thinking and decision making and perhaps do away with authoritarian mindsets. In fact, many  scientists presented facts about vaccines and vaccine safety at the recent Global Health Vaccine Safety summit hosted by the World Health Organization in Geneva, Switzerland. Why should these people be required to obtain a vaccine passport? Robert F. Kennedy Jr. recently posted the following statement in his latest instagram post: A New York Times reporter asked me yesterday about the “conspiracy theory” that #BillGates is developing injectable chip to store vaccine records. Spring Has Sprung In Sweden With No Coronavirus Quarantine Or Police Enforced Lockdown, Some New York Hospitals Are Now Treating Coronavirus With High Dose Vitamin C, Conscious Truth Behind Coronavirus Lockdown, Coronavirus Is Proving The Human Race Can Come Together, For Anything, At Anytime, White House: Out of 327 Million Americans – Coronavirus May Kill Up To 200,000. What Happened: A large meta analysis recently published in the Journal Environmental Research and Public Health titled, “Is a Mask That Covers the Mouth and Nose Free from Undesirable Side Effects in Everyday Use and Free of Potential Hazards?” looked at 65 studies pertaining to prolonged mask wearing to examine whether or not there may be any health consequences. Phoebe Gates was born on 14 September 2002 in Washington DC State, Seattle, USA. Today, mask mandates are spread across the globe in multiple countries, mostly if you’re inside a public space, like a school, bank or business for example. You can read more about that story here. Lawyer Robert F. Kennedy Jr., son of Robert F. Kennedy and the nephew of former U.S. president John F. Kennedy, has been banned from Facebook owned Instagram just days after he penned a comprehensive account of Bill Gates’ attempt to monopolise and dominate global food production and public health programs.. Kennedy had 800,000 subscribers on the platform, which has said that he was … Up until now, there has been no comprehensive investigation as to the adverse health effects masks can cause. There are clear, statistically significant, and concerning findings, especially when it comes to respiratory physiology. We're not ready. " Many comments seem to continually get deleted. Are masks as safe as we've been made to believe? Baxter Dmitry is a writer at News Punch. A study funded by the Bill and Melinda #Gates Foundation and published in December 2019 by researchers from MIT, the Institute of Chemistry of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the Gates-funded Intellectual Ventures Laboratory in Bellevue, WA, describes how “near-infrared quantum dots” will be implanted under the skin along with a vaccine to encode information for “decentralized data storage and bio-sensing.” Gates’ technology uses a tattoo-like mechanism to inject invisible nanoparticles subcutaneously. Perhaps the fact that these objects are real is all we will get, but who knows? She is well-liked for being the youngest daughter of Bill Gates, whose net worth is more than $90 Billion. Is releasing some information a way to stop the conversation about it, or at least limit it? A recently published article in The New Yorker written by Gideon Lewis-Kraus, previously a writer-at-large for the New York Times Magazine, goes quite in-depth into the UFO phenomenon. Bill Gates is one of the richest people in the world and an outspoken advocate, fighting against climate change.. Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates has predicted the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic to be over by the end of 2022. Speaking of Lockheed, Steve Justice, a recently retired Director of Advanced Systems at Lockheed Skunkworks, has also alluded to the idea that this type of technology is real. In this study, the FFP2-equivalent N95 mask performed significantly better in protection that the surgical mask, but neither mask type established reliable, hypothesis-generated protection against corona and influenza viruses. This 5 week course is instructed by Dr. Madhava Setty & Joe Martino. The data suggest that both medical and non-medical facemasks are ineffective to block human-to-human transmission of viral and infectious disease such SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19, supporting against the usage of facemasks. Verified. Their philanthropic efforts have helped save millions of unnecessary childhood deaths from disease and promoted a public relations stratagem which revolutionised Gates from a nerdy CEO to one of the most commended people in the world. Thank you to all of the health care workers who are making heroic efforts to test and treat patients across the United States and the world. Again, the majority of the comments deal with vaccines, and people’s desire not to take them and constantly explaining how they should not be mandatory. Looks like your #coronavirus fame has backfired, hardcore. Why This Is Important: This is important because long term mask wearing is being mandated and the health consequences may be great. They would not approve that. Bill Gates' oldest daughter joked on social media that her COVID-19 vaccine did not result in her "genius father" inserting a microchip into her brain. You can unsubscribe any time. Should governments have the authority to implement such measures when there isn’t really a consensus among doctors, scientists and most importantly, the citizenry? Truthout on Instagram; Truthout RSS Feed; News. Topics: News, bill gates, Covid-19. 39% of Canadians feel that limiting activities only to those who have been vaccinated is unfair. Instagram’s parent company, Facebook, reached 2 billion members in June of this year. When things are not so cut and dry, should we give governments the ability to control our lives in the manner they have done with this pandemic? Researchers, medical professionals and scientists, come together to bring you the information you need to know in order to make educated decisions about vaccines. At Microsoft, I got deep into…” Gates’ researchers are now testing the implant with a vaccine against the #COVID-19 virus. The comments on his instagram post are also calling for the arrest of Bill Gates, and many commenters are constantly asking why he’s deleted his comments, and if he pays somebody to delete them. As children are considered a special group, the WHO also issued a separate guideline on the use of masks in children in the community in August 2020, explicitly advising policy maker and national authorities, given the limited evidence, that the benefits of mask use in children must be weighed up against the potential harms associated with mask use. What I do find interesting about the phenomenon is that most of the examples that are available in the public domain show that they perform evasive maneuvers. JFK bravely told the world that the: “dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweigh the dangers which are cited to justify it. Click here to check it out! According to experts, masks block the foundations of human communication and the exchange of emotions and not only hinder learning but deprive children of the positive effects of smiling, laughing and and emotional mimicry. Posts. I also believe there are other reasons for secrecy that go beyond “it’s too much for the people to handle” and that “it’s a national security issue.” These reasons may go into protecting certain interests, like profits of the energy industry among others. They then go through each of these fields and explain what they found. These are simply a few of many examples that lend credibility to how government has viewed UFOs over the decades. Here are the facts: The Bill and Melinda #GatesFoundation invested more than $21 million to perfect a “microneedle technology” that embeds, under the skin, a vaccination record visible by infrared light that can be read by a “minimally-adopted smartphone technology.” The technology will allow health officials to scan U.S. citizens to detect their vaccination compliance. How can we get everybody to see that it’s ok to disagree with each other, and that the forced measures rather than recommendations may be harmful to everybody in the long run? At the end of the day, it’s very difficult to determine who is right or wrong, which is why we need open dialogue. To how government has viewed UFOs over the pandemic and concerning findings especially... That interview and read more about it, or at least limit it phenomenon over the years got... ’ ‘ God-like Willingness to Experiment with the best of intentions in every one... 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