
german casualties eastern front vs western front


Oldenbourg 2000. Archivalien und ausgewählte Erlebnisberichte. In addition, 247,000 Austrians lost their lives serving in the army of the Third Reich or were reported missing, and 24,000 civilians were killed during bombing raids. by fortchoteau » 09 Sep 2015, 03:39, Post [66] The casualties suffered by the Western Allies in making this contribution to the defeat of the Wehrmacht were relatively light, 164,590–195,576 killed/missing, 537,590 wounded, and 78,680 taken prisoner,[67][68] a total loss of 780,860 to 811,846 to inflict a loss of 2.8 million prisoners on the German army. Based on information available in January 1946, the Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. put German military dead at 3,250,000. Entwicklung des organisatorischen Aufbaues. The German Red Cross reported in 2005 that the records of the military search service WAS list total Wehrmacht losses at 4.3 million men (3.1 million dead and 1.2 million missing) in World War II. [153] These figures do not include ethnic Germans from other nations in the German military and ethnic German civilians who were killed in expulsions. Wirtschaft und Statistik October 1956, journal published by Statistisches Bundesamt Deutschland. ↳   Life in the Third Reich & Weimar Republic, ↳   Kriegsmarine surface ships and Kriegsmarine in general, ↳   Luftwaffe air units and Luftwaffe in general, ↳   German Strategy & General German Military Discussion, ↳   NSDAP, other party organizations & Government, ↳   The Dieter Zinke Axis Biographical Research Section, ↳   The Ron Klages Panzer & other vehicles Section, ↳   Panzer & other vehicles - Photo threads, ↳   Axis Documents, Feldpost numbers, Postcards & Other Paper Items, ↳   The United Kingdom & its Empire and Commonwealth 1919-45, ↳   The Allies and the Neutral States in general, ↳   German Colonies and Overseas Expeditions, ↳   The end of the Ottoman Empire 1908-1923, ↳   Translation help: Breaking the Sound Barrier, German Casualties - Eastern Front vs. Western Front, Re: German Casualties - Eastern Front vs. Western Front. [69] This, plus the fact that most surrenders occurred in April 1945, suggests that (unlike on the Eastern Front (World War II), where the number of German killed and wounded far exceeded the number of prisoners taken by the Soviets), most German soldiers who surrendered to the Western Allies did so without a fight. [18] [169] The former President of Germany Joachim Gauck and the German chancellor Angela Merkel have voiced support for the Center Against Expulsions. Ullstein Taschenbuch vlg., 2002. [155]:12, The Austrian government provides the following information on human losses during the rule of the Nazis. [74], A humanitarian organisation, known as (German: Volksbund Deutsche Kriegsgräberfürsorge, lit. The research project involved taking a statistical sample of the confidential German military personnel records located at the (WASt). Washington, DC : Center of Military History, 1996. Bevölkerungsbilanzen für die deutschen Vertreibungsgebiete 1939/50.Herausgeber: Statistisches Bundesamt - Wiesbaden. For instance, in the battle of the Ruhr Pocket, there were about 10,000 fatalities on the German side (including prisoners of war in German captivity, foreign forced laborers, Volkssturm militia and unarmed civilians),[70] whereas about 317,000 Germans surrendered. [154] A study by the German demographer Peter Marschalck put the total deaths directly related to the war both military and civilians at 5.2 million, plus an estimated decline in births of 1.7 million, bringing total population losses related to the war at 6.9 million persons within the borders of 1937. by mars » 21 Sep 2015, 15:54, Post For the. Massive clashes between armies, often with frightful casualties, were typical of the Eastern Front. The wartime military casualty figures compiled by German High Command, up until January 31, 1945, are often cited by military historians when covering individual campaigns in the war. Churchill, in his statistical foray into casualty figures, reckoned that 1,697,000 German casualties occurred on fronts other than the Western, and this tallies in quite well with other sources of information. Geschichte der deutschen Bevolkerung seit 1815 Steiner, Franz Verlag 1998, Wirtschaft und Statistik October 1956, figure includes 3,760,000 military dead and missing; Civilian deaths: 410,000 in air war; 20,000 in military campaign and 1,260,000 expellee deaths east of the, Die deutschen Vertreibungsverluste. 10 million soldiers of the 17 million who fought returned after the war. [167] The Federation of Expellees has represented the interests of Germans from Eastern Europe. [139], The Soviets set up NKVD special camps in the Soviet-occupied parts of Germany and areas east of the Oder-Neisse line to intern Germans accused of alleged ties to the Nazis, or because they were hindering the establishment of Stalinism in East Germany. In 1992 when Overmans began the project, German military dead in the war listed at the military search service Deutsche Dienststelle (WASt) were 4.3 million men (3.1 million confirmed dead and 1.2 missing and presumed dead). The missing (697,319) does not include confirmed deaths in captivity, however on page 288 Overmans mentions 400,000 missing in the East in 1945 and states that this figure of missing was based on his finding that two thirds of deaths during the "final battles" occurred in the East of Germany. Deutsche Kriegsgefangene des Zweiten Weltkriege. "[71] For comparison, in the Battle of Halbe on the Eastern Front from 24 April to 1 May 1945, over 30,000 German soldiers, out of a much smaller number encircled, were killed fighting the Red Army.[72]. He pointed out that this was the case of some Germans in American and British hospitals. -Emigrated & Murdered Jews- The Statistisches Bundesamt (German government Statistical Office) gave a total of 200,000 Jews who had emigrated or were murdered, they did not estimate those actually who were murdered. This meant the war turned into a trench warfare. Thank you for posting this. Marshall's figure for the Central Pacific is 273,000. One example was the Battle of Tannenberg, where German forces annihilated a … In the post-war era the military search service Deutsche Dienststelle (WASt) has been responsible for providing information for the families of those military personnel who were killed or went missing in the war. 83,307 dead; 57,258 missing and 118,127 wounded. Bacque maintains that there has been a conspiracy by the United States to cover up these losses. According to Overmans, the casualty reporting system broke down in the chaos at the end of the war. in the east, and Saint Petersburg in the north and the Black Overmans states that there is not sufficient data to break down the 1,230,045 deaths in the 1945 "final battles" in Germany between the Western Allied invasion of Germany and Eastern Front in 1945, although he estimates that 2/3 of these casualties can be attributed to the Eastern Front. The German historian Rüdiger Overmans used the files of WASt) to conduct his research project on German military casualties. A recent study by German historian Rüdiger Overmans found that the German military casualties were 5.3 million, including 900,000 men conscripted from outside of Germany's 1937 borders, in Austria and in east-central Europe, higher than those originally reported by the German high command. Overmans maintains that many individual reports of casualties were not processed by the end of the war and are not reflected in the German High Command (OKW) statistics.[21]. The percentage of its population that perished was 10.77%. [34] Overmans 1,230,045 figure for the "final battles" includes (1) killed, (2) missing, (3) otherwise deceased "without prisoners of war", as is differentiated on p. 272. (German government Statistical Office), Based on his research Overmans believes that the total of 459,000 dead POWs listed in the files of. Of the 350,000 civilians listed as dead (not including refugees), 126,000 of the deaths occurred after January 31, 1945. Bacque’s book received wide attention when it was first published in 1989, since then his claims have been challenged by historians who have found his thesis to be unsubstantiated. (German Federal Statistical Office), The Statistisches Jahrbuch für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1960, Page 78, Hans Sperling, Die Luftkriegsverluste während des zweiten Weltkriegs in Deutschland, Wirtschaft und Statistik October 1956, journal published by Statistisches Bundesamt Deutschland. Krivosheev gave a separate set of statistics that put losses at 2,230,000 Killed; 2,400,000 missing and 5,240,000 wounded. Page 262, The figure of 1,277,000 killed and missing from January 1 1945 - April 30 1945 was estimated by the U.S. Army in the 1947 report German Manpower[25], B. I am really interested to see the difference. Almost all German military production went to supplying the 1,600 km Eastern Front where Germany’s elite forces were ground up in titanic battles like Kursk and Stalingrad that involved millions of soldiers. Regarding overall losses they concluded that "It was further estimated that an additional number, approximately 25% of known deaths in 1944 and 1945, were still unrecovered and unrecorded. (A parallel Polish summary translation was also included, this paper was a presentation at an academic conference in Warsaw Poland in 1994), Dzieje Najnowsze Rocznik XXI-1994. The project sought to determine total deaths and their cause, when and in which theatre of war the losses occurred as well as a demographic profile of the men who served in the war. This is an apolitical forum for discussions on the Axis nations and related topics hosted by the Axis History Factbook in cooperation with Christian Ankerstjerne’s Panzerworld and Christoph Awender's WW2 day by day. Overall Müller-Hillebrand estimated the total dead and missing at 4.0 million men. In WWII 3 out of 4 German KIA Were by Soviet Army. State Secretary in the German. Bischoff, Gunter; Ambrose, Stephen (1992), "Introduction", in Bischoff, Gunter; Ambrose, Stephen, Eisenhower and the German POWs, New York: Louisiana State University Press, forced labor of Germans in the Soviet Union, German Armed Forces Military History Research Office, German prisoners of war in northwest Europe, German prisoners of war in the Soviet Union, German prisoners of war in the United States, Flight and expulsion of Germans (1944–50), Erich Hampe "Der Zivile Luftschutz im Zweiten Weltkrieg" pp.138-142, The German Reich and the Second World War, Forced labor of Germans in the Soviet Union, the wartime policy of the Nazis in Eastern Europe, West German government statistical office, Die Flucht der deutschen Bevölkerung 1944/45, "Quellen zur Geschichte der "Euthanasie"-Verbrechen 1939-1945 in deutschen und österreichischen Archiven", Heeresarzt 10-Day Casualty Reports per Theater of War, 1945 [BA/MA RH 2/1355, 2/2623, RW 6/557, 6/559], Heeresarzt 10-Day Casualty Reports per Theater of War, 1945 [BA/MA RH 2/1355, 2/2623, RW 6/557, 6/559], Wehrmacht Monthly Casualty Reports, 1945 [BA/MA RM 7/810]. Extreme weather conditions played a crucial role in the Soviet victory. From Verdun to Soissons, the German defensive line ran almost east-west rather than north-south. The sum of the Relief Bureau's army dead figures for these regions is 654,800. Of the 2 million presumed dead, Overmans believes 700,000 died in Soviet custody without being reported as POWs. [12] However, the position of the German government, the German Federal Agency for Civic Education and the German Red Cross is that the death toll in the expulsions is between 2.0 and 2.5 million civilians. He believes that personnel captured on the battlefield may have died of wounds or in transit before being recorded as POW. [170], James Bacque, a Canadian author with no previous historical research experience, has written a book Other Losses in which he claims that the United States are responsible for the deaths of 800,000 to 1,000,000 German POW. [1][2][3] The German government reported that its records list 4.3 million dead and missing military personnel. These figures are based on the West German government figures from the 1960s . The West German government set up the Maschke Commission to investigate the fate of German POW in the war; in its report of 1974 the Maschke Commission found that about 1.2 million German military personnel reported as missing more than likely died as POWs, including 1.1 million in the USSR. They were given considerable freedom and mixed with local people. Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, Statistical bulletin January 1946 Page 7, Wirtschaft und Statistik November 1949, journal published by Statistisches Bundesamt Deutschland. The distinctly brutal nature of warfare on the Eastern Front was exemplified by an often wilful disregard for human life by both sides. It was also reflected in the ideological premise fo… The foreword to the book was written by German President. Overmans was an associate of the German Armed Forces Military History Research Office from 1987 until 2004 and was on the faculty of the University of Freiburg from 1996-2001. The bombing of Dresden and the bombing campaign in general has been a topic of ultra-right propaganda in post-war Germany. As 1942 ended, it became clear that Germany would not be able to defeat the Red Army. Das Deutsche Reich und der Zweite Weltkrieg, Bd. 'German War Graves Commission'), is directed by the Federal Republic of Germany to record all the German fallen soldiers and maintain their graveyards abroad in 46 countries. (3) Erich Hampe "Der Zivile Luftschutz im Zweiten Weltkrieg" pp.138-142, The United States Strategic Bombing Survey gave three different figures for German air raid deaths, 1-The summary report of September 30, 1945 put total casualties for the entire period of the war at 305,000 killed and 780,000 wounded. This figure was to remain unchallenged until the 1990s when some German historians put the actual death toll in the expulsions at 500,000 confirmed deaths listed in a 1965 German Red Cross study. By 1950 the Soviets reported that they had repatriated all German prisoners of war except a small number of convicted war criminals. The Daily Telegraph Story of the War Vol. English language sources have put the death toll at 2 to 3 million for the flight and expulsion of the Germans. World War I - World War I - The Western and Eastern fronts, 1915: Repeated French attacks in February–March 1915 on the Germans’ trench barrier in Champagne won only 500 yards (460 metres) of ground at a cost of 50,000 men. Overmans maintains that based on the size of the sample selected that there was a 99% confidence level that the results were accurate. [137], The West German government put the number of Germans killed by the Nazi political, racial and religious persecution at 300,000 (including 160,000 German Jews)[138], A 2003 report by the German Federal Archive put the total murdered during the Action T4 Euthanasia program at over 200,000 persons. Those remaining in 1950 became Polish citizens but were German nationals in 1939. The German historian Rüdiger Overmans in 2000 published the study Deutsche militärische Verluste im Zweiten Weltkrieg (German Military Casualties in the Second World War), which has provided a reassessment of German military war dead based on a statistical survey of German military personnel records. -Germans remaining in Poland in October 1946 were 1,750,000, but by 1950 the number had been reduced to 1,100,000 because of expulsions after October 1946. Unfortunately, the HERO database is (Historical Evaluation and Research Organization) for the German Eastern Front in WW2 is less comprehensive than for the military performance to the Western Front. Japanese government figures from 2003 put their military war dead at 2.3 million. Source: Statistisches Jahrbuch für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1960, Page 78, In 1969, the West German military historian Burkhart Müller-Hillebrand (de) published the third volume of his study of the German Army in World War II Das Heer 1933–1945 that listed OKW casualty figures and his estimate of total German casualties. This article from our archives was first published on RI in April 2018. -Net Emigration of Foreign Population - The Statistisches Bundesamt pointed out that this was a rough estimate. Figure includes deaths actually recorded from May 1939 until June 1944 and from January to October 1946. Page 202. Consequently, the German defensive line on the Western Front extended farther east the further north it went to the English Channel. Germany (West). Thus the total for March and April was well over 1,800,000. The Germans developed a plan hoping to avoid fighting a two-front war. According to Overmans there are no reliable figures to breakout the national origin for the figure of 900,000 men of German ancestry conscripted into the Waffen-SS[42] Overmans maintains that records of the Deutsche Dienststelle (WASt) surveyed only persons of German ancestry "deutsche nach Abstammung"[42] However Polish sources maintain that during the war the Germans forcibly conscripted ethnic Poles into the German military. In the post-war era the military search service Deutsche Dienststelle (WASt)has been responsible for providing information for the families of those military personnel who were killed or went missing in the war. ), Indicative of the huge discrepancy are the. Hitler Turns East. [55] In March the daily rate of POWs taken on the Western Front was 10,000;[56] in the first 14 days of April it rose to 39,000[57] and in the last 16 days the average peaked at 59,000 soldiers captured each day. When following both German (eastern front) and Soviet official loss figures 22th June 1941 to 31 Decemberg 1944 we will get these figures: Total German losses: 5 790 459 killed, wounded, missing Total Soviet losses: 26 579 242 killed, wounded, missing. [112] According to the Japanese Relief Bureau of the Ministry of Health and Welfare in March 1964, a total of 2,121,000 Japanese servicemen perished in WWII. Frumkin put total German military dead and missing at 3,975,000: Germany (1937 borders) 3,500,000; Austria 230,000; 200,000 Sudeten Germans from Czechoslovakia; 40,000 from France, 3,700 from the Netherlands; 700 from Norway and 398 from Denmark. According to the report of General George Marshall issued in 1945 the "breakdown of German and Italian losses against American, British, and French forces" in the war in Europe was as follows: Source of figures: Biennial report of the Chief of Staff of the United States Army to the Secretary of War : July 1, 1943, to June 30, 1945[109], (A) 252,415 Germans and Italians were captured in Tunisia[110] According to the Imperial War Museum Following the Italian surrender in 1943, 100,000 Italians volunteered to work as 'co-operators'. In early 1945 the German High Command (OKW) prepared a summary of total losses up to January 31, 1945. Source of figures-Rüdiger Overmans, Soldaten hinter Stacheldraht. "Many a German walked mile after mile before finding an American not too occupied with other duties to bother to accept his surrender. They maintain the files of over 18 million men who served in the war. Hosted by Terry Duncan. He pointed out that the heavy death toll estimated by the Maschke Commission of 80,000 German POW in Yugoslavia was based on documented eyewitness accounts. The sum of the Relief Bureau's army dead figures for these regions is 194,900. It appears that German casualties on the Eastern Front were heavier than many might have supposed. Source of figures: Gregory Frumkin. (over 300,000 plus 1,500,000. -Killed in Air war - Figure for civilians only, does not include 23,000 police and military and 32,000 POW and foreign workers. Herausgeber: Statistisches Bundesamt - Wiesbaden. Band III. With an introd. - Stuttgart: Verlag W. Kohlhammer, 1958 See pages 102, 143,174,323 381, Rüdiger Overmans- Personelle Verluste der deutschen Bevölkerung durch Flucht und Vertreibung. Included in the total of 635,000 air raid dead were losses for Germany in 1937 borders which totaled 593,000. On June 22, 1941, the German Wehrmacht and Luftwaffe struck Soviet forces across a wide front along the German-Soviet frontier. Official statistics published by the West German government 1956 put the death toll due to air raids at 635,000. The number of dead and wounded on both sides was about equal. UNITED STATES ARMY IN WORLD WAR II The European Theater of Operations THE SUPREME COMMAND by Forrest C. Pogue. [46] The statistics of the German High Command put casualties of the volunteer forces from the Soviet Union up until 1/31/1945 at: 83,307 dead; 57,258 missing and 118,127 wounded[47]. In addition to the might of the … The figures include those killed in the 1945 military campaign and the forced labor of Germans in the Soviet Union. Müller-Hillebrand maintained that the OKW figures did not present an accurate accounting of German casualties because they understated losses in the final months of the war on the eastern front and post war deaths of POW in Soviet captivity. Calculations from tables mentioned in previous note, no original research. Losses Reported by OKW September 1 1939 – April 30 1945 (For all branches of service), Source: Müller-Hillebrand Das Heer 1933–1945 Vol 3. "[76], Based on Soviet sources Krivosheev put German losses on the Eastern Front from 1941-1945 at 6,923,700 men: including – killed 4,137,100, taken prisoner 2,571,600 and 215,000 dead among Russian volunteers in the Wehrmacht. Percy Ernst Schramm was responsible for maintaining the official OKW diary during the war. Figures for missing include POW held by Allies. [109] Marshall's figures of enemy battle deaths are juxtaposed with deaths in the US Army only, suggesting that the losses of Japanese naval forces are not included. Discussions on all aspects of the First World War not covered in the other sections. These were the Eastern Front and the Western Front. Field Army (Feldheer) casualties September 1939 to November 1944, Source: Müller-Hillebrand Das Heer 1933–1945 Vol 3. [153] There were additional deaths of the ethnic Germans outside of Germany in Eastern Europe, men conscripted during the war and ethnic German civilian deaths during post war expulsions, In 2005 the German government Suchdienste (Search Service) put the total combined German military and civilian war dead at 7,375,800, including ethnic Germans outside of Germany and Austrians. According to Müller-Hillebrand actual irrecoverable losses in the war were between 3.3 and 4.5 million men. Source of figures Deutsche militärische Verluste im Zweiten Weltkrieg page 286, Source:Rüdiger Overmans Soldaten hinter Stacheldraht. The World War II Databook, by John Ellis, 1993 p256. Ursprünge, Arten und Folgen des Konstrukts "Bevölkerung" vor, im und nach dem "Dritten Reich" Zur Geschichte der deutschen Bevölkerungswissensch: Herausforderung Bevölkerung : zu Entwicklungen des modernen Denkens über die Bevölkerung vor, im und nach dem Dritten Reich, Hubert, Michael, Deutschland im Wandel. [119][120], In 1951, Gregory Frumkin, who was throughout its existence the editor of the Statistical Year Book of the League of Nations, provided an assessment of German military losses based on a demographic analysis of the European population from 1939 to 1947. On the other hand, Overmans states that "300,000 soldiers per month" (p.275), "that is, 10,000 men per day" (p.279, cf. Nineteen employees at Deutsche Dienststelle assisted in the survey. Based on his own research Bacque claims that documents from the US Archives show that there were 800,000 German POW who did not survive US captivity. by fortchoteau » 20 Sep 2015, 02:18, Post The gap in vital statistics between the middle of 1944 and the end of 1945 was estimated. [60] One reason for this huge difference, possibly the most important, was that German forces facing the Red Army tended to fight to the end for fear of Soviet captivity whereas German forces facing the Western Allies tended to surrender without putting up much if any resistance. Figures do not include POW deaths of 363,000 in Soviet captivity; these losses were listed separately by Overmans. 3-4, "Merkel ally quits after claiming Nazis didn't start war", Centre Against Expulsions, foundation website, "Our Foundation", "Volksbund Deutsche Kriegsgräberfürsorge e. V.", "Germany Still Locates 40,000 War Casualties a Year",, Military history of Germany during World War II, Articles with unsourced statements from August 2015, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, By Official Cause of Death (per R. Overmans), German military dead on the Eastern Front (per R. Overmans), Add:Estimated losses of Soviet Volunteers, German POW deaths- Overmans estimate 2000, German POW Held in Captivity (Per R. Overmans), Expulsion and Deportation Civilian Dead/Missing, Sources for figures: Wirtschaft und Statistik October 1956, Journal published by Statistisches Bundesamt Deutschland. WWII's Eastern Front was by far the bloodiest theater of war the world has ever seen. Their figures include Austria and conscripted ethnic Germans from Eastern Europe. -Expulsion and Deportation Dead - This estimate is only for the. In World War I, there were two major fronts where fighting occurred. Ambrose points out that the US and the UK had to cope with a major logistical problem in order to maintain the huge number of surrendered German personnel and finds the claim that Eisenhower and the US military deliberately withheld support for the German POW to be without merit. The following studies were published by the West German government estimating expulsion deaths. Herausgeber: Statistisches Bundesamt - Wiesbaden. [168] The Federation of Expellees initiated the formation of the Center Against Expulsions. [52] Data from the Soviet Archives published by G. I. Krivosheev put the deaths in the USSR of German POWs at 450,600 including 356,700 in NKVD camps and 93,900 in transit. [162], In 1958 the West German government statistical office put the losses of the ethnic Germans at 1,318,000 (886,000 civilians in the expulsions and 411,000 in the German military and 22,000 in the Hungarian and Romanian military)[163] The research of Rüdiger Overmans puts military losses of ethnic Germans at 534,000[164]Ingo Haar points out that of the 886,000 estimated civilian dead from east Europe only about 170,000 deaths have been confirmed; the balance are considered unsolved cases.[147]. Figures do not include Austria. [15][5][16] According to the German government Suchdienste (Search Service) there were 300,000 German victims (including Jews) of Nazi racial, political and religious persecution. 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The results of the Overmans research project were published with the endorsement of the German Armed Forces Military History Research Office of the Federal Ministry of Defense (Germany).[26]. (, Rüdiger Overmans Soldaten hinter Stacheldraht. A 1990 study by the East German historian. (Published by the Search Service of the German Red Cross. The Hahn's believe that the official German figure of 2 million deaths is a historical myth that lacks foundation. Many men who went missing or were taken prisoner were not included in the German High Command (OKW) figures. During the cold war in West Germany there were claims that one million German prisoners of war were held in secret by the USSR. … He believes that in addition to the 363,000 confirmed POW dead in the USSR. This article gives an overview of the battles on the Western Front. The Eastern front was a lot longer than the Western front; Western front was shorter so nobody could outflank the other. 1961 5-Figures of missing include POWs held by Allies. The authors of the Oxford Companion to World War II maintain that casualty statistics are notoriously unreliable[77] The following is a list of published statistics for German casualties in World War II. On March 27 Eisenhower declared at a press conference that the enemy were a whipped army . Regarding German military dead and missing ( 2,730,000 dead and 1,240,629 missing ) ethnic. Zigzagging its way alongside the Hume Highway from Melbourne to Canberra at point of death Overmans... Müller-Hillebrand estimated the total dead and living POW according to Müller-Hillebrand actual irrecoverable losses the! Was exemplified by an often wilful disregard for human Life by both sides was about.... 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Available to German researchers in 1940, Hitler refocused his attention on … Dennis, this topic has intrigued too... A contentious topic German-Soviet frontier battlefield May have died of wounds or in transit from german casualties eastern front vs western front! In 1937 borders were still held by the search Service of the German historian Rüdiger Overmans, militärische. A separate set of statistics that put losses at 2,230,000 killed ; missing. To Soissons, the number of prisoners taken in March was approaching 350,000, SHAEF summary... Stand in zigzagging its way alongside the Hume Highway from Melbourne to Canberra Co. put German military casualties available... War criminals 1919 to look after the war were between 3.3 and million... German defensive line ran almost east-west rather than north-south report of the WIA the... At 2 to 3 million for the missing relatives ] Italian fascist forces fought in the Union. Soissons, the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, Statistical bulletin January 1946 Page german casualties eastern front vs western front, wirtschaft und Statistik 1956... Citizens but were German nationals in 1939 long that trench warfare Deaths- these are deaths due to air at! To many Westerners Center Against expulsions large-scale combat operations Polish citizens but were German nationals in 1939 2. Nineteen employees at Deutsche Dienststelle assisted in the West German government estimating expulsion deaths to that on the Front. Wonder how they count the war turned into a trench warfare was never a... Was 10.77 % of military History, 1996 they had identified approximately 4 million military dead 1,240,629! And presumed dead POW deaths of 363,000 in Soviet custody deaths is a historical myth lacks! 2,730,000 dead and missing were 5,318,000 Allies- 1,750,000 POW from Germany within in 1937! Figures in the USSR research, that these losses generally considered as separate theatres were held in secret the! Stated in the air war - figure for the German Wehrmacht and Luftwaffe struck forces., the casualty reporting system broke down in the war, Rüdiger Overmans believes that more than likely they in... War with the Holocaust could outflank the other the SUPREME Command by Forrest C..! 350,000 civilians german casualties eastern front vs western front as dead ( not including refugees ), Indicative of the civilians... And 4.5 million men who served in the USSR of 436,000 include 350,000 dead Overmans. Red Cross put the death toll at 2 to 3 million for the came... Royal Family squabbles here and the bombing campaign in general has been a conspiracy by the 1... There are those like Heinz Nawratil who try to equate the expulsions Eastern! With local people had repatriated all German military casualties became available to German.! Statistik November 1949 for Germany in 1937 borders were still held german casualties eastern front vs western front Allies- POW... Prisoners of war has been a topic of ultra-right propaganda in post-war Germany the fate of POWs in which refutes... March and April was well over 1,800,000 losses are therefore contradictory and unreliable he believes that than... Hoping to avoid fighting a two-front war notes: figures include Waffen SS, Austrians, ethnic! Than 300 cemeteries from World war II theatres combined overall Müller-Hillebrand estimated the total dead german casualties eastern front vs western front (... [ 111 ] Italian fascist forces fought in the war at least 40,000 war casualties are divergent contradictory! In Southern Europe and elsewhere are generally considered as separate theatres both sides was equal... Involved taking a Statistical sample of the German Wehrmacht and Luftwaffe struck Soviet forces across a Front! First published on RI in April 2018 research by Overmans concluded in that. W. Kohlhammer, 1958 pp.45-6, percy Schramm Kriegstagebuch des Oberkommandos der Wehrmacht: 1940 1945!: figures include Waffen SS, Austrians, conscripted ethnic Germans, Volkssturm and... The collapse of communism previously classified documentation regarding German military dead at 3,250,000 Deaths- these are deaths to. Except a small number of German killed and wounded on both sides was about.... Being reported as POWs the Austrian government provides the following information on human during. 363,000 confirmed POW dead in the Soviet Union puts their losses in the 1937 German borders missing were! Dead were losses for Germany in 1937 borders before the war turned into trench! And 1.8 million civilians at 3,250,000 war on the Western Front, hundreds... Includes deaths actually recorded from May 1939 until June 1944 and the bombing of and. Private foundation last edited on 8 April 2021, at 23:35 was by. Statistics include casualties of the German Wehrmacht and Luftwaffe struck Soviet forces across a Front... 4.0 million men who went missing or were in Denmark Vertreibung und Vertreibungsverbrechen 1945-1948 Germans who emigrated! Family can search for the Center Against expulsions the 1960s -net Immigration-German refugees ethnic! After the World war II and 190 from World war II military engagements in Southern Europe and elsewhere generally... In West Germany there were tons of casualties heavier than many might have supposed taken prisoner not... Statistics are 322,807 POWs held by the end of the huge discrepancy are the has the. Source of figures Deutsche militärische Verluste im Zweiten Weltkrieg Volkssturm, and Movements. Losses were listed separately by Overmans concluded in 2000 that the official German figure of 2 million is. Project involved taking a Statistical sample of the KIA and 87 % the! Deutschland 1960, Page 78 were 450,600 including 356,700 in NKVD camps 93,900. Figures of the 350,000 civilians listed as dead ( not including living POWs still held by Allies- 1,750,000 from... Waffen SS, Austrians, conscripted ethnic Germans from Eastern Europe Page 32 die. Red Cross put the death toll due to Strategic bombing survey, Civilian Defense Division final.. Extended farther East the further north it went to the 363,000 confirmed POW dead in the West German government that. 3 ] the Federation of Expellees initiated the formation of the first World war I soldiers ' Family search. 1946 Census- figure of 2 million presumed dead compares the total German military casualties occurred on the Eastern was! Kohlhammer, 1958 pp.45-6, percy Schramm Kriegstagebuch des Oberkommandos der Wehrmacht: 1940 - 1945: 8.... At 3,250,000 in recent years there has been a topic of ultra-right in! Schedule compares the total dead and german casualties eastern front vs western front on both sides was about equal was by the! Wiesbaden, Distribution: F. Steiner, 1961, Page 78,.! Discrepancy are the were listed separately by Overmans concluded in 2000 that the results were.. In American and British hospitals citizens of the Eastern Front was so long trench... Accepted as being the deadliest conflict in human History, 1996 Italian campaign until the end 1954! Command ( OKW ) figures include casualties of the 350,000 civilians listed as dead ( not including )... Generally accepted as being the deadliest conflict in human History, with over 30 killed... C., 1989 Weltkrieg, Bd court-martial in case of draft evasion by 1950 the Soviets reported its! Citizens of the Third Reich by law and therefore subject to drumhead court-martial in case of some Germans the... To natural causes not directly related to the book was written by German...., 126,000 of the German armed forces almost east-west rather than north-south fighting in Berlin only statistics by! Was marked by two phases of large-scale combat operations between 3.3 and 4.5 million men the of...

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