
sansa stark son


[47], The Merling King takes Sansa to Petyr's tower at the Fingers in the Vale. [7] With her father Eddard Stark's appointment as Hand of the King, Sansa is delighted at the prospect of life at court in King's Landing and is thrilled by her betrothal to the handsome Prince Joffrey Baratheon. Sansa, frustrated with the apparent lack of progress in Dontos's own plans, disregards his warnings. [30] At the tourney on King Joffrey's name day, Sansa realizes she has lost her romantic notions about knightly and courtly love. Harsh as he was, she did not believe Sandor Clegane would let any harm come to her. [49][50] Along the road to Duskendale, Brienne meets Ser Shadrich of the Shady Glen, a hedge knight seeking the girl for a gold bounty. Their dreams were full of songs and stories, the way hers had been before Joffrey cut her fathers head off. Can you be my daughter in your heart?Sansa: I... (I do not know, my Lord, she almost said, but that was not what he wanted to hear. But of course that could never be. It is from Dontos, who promises that a plan is in place to free her from the Lannisters and bring her to Winterfell. Like many girls her age, Sansa is enthralled by songs and stories of romance[14] and adventure, particularly those depicting handsome princes, honorable knights, chivalry, and love. [46] Jaime Lannister tasks Brienne of Tarth with finding Sansa and bringing her to safety. Joffrey courts Sansa at the insistence of his mother, Queen Cersei Lannister. [5], Finding a means of meeting her betrothed, Alayne suggests that a personal guard be formed to protect Lord Robert Arryn, named the Brotherhood of Winged Knights, whose initial members would be selected in a tourney. Joffrey, now king after Robert's death, promises to be merciful,[15] but on the steps of the Great Sept of Baelor he orders Ilyn to execute Eddard as Sansa helplessly looks on. [36], Since Bran and Rickon Stark are believed to have been murdered by Theon Greyjoy, Lady Catelyn Stark releases Ser Jaime Lannister from captivity at Riverrun, in return for his promise to return with her daughters, Sansa and Arya Stark. [41] Sansa's maids include Brella and Shae, the latter of whom is Tyrion's secret lover. She meets the newly-knighted Harrold Hardyng when he comes to the Gates of the Moon to compete for a position in the brotherhood. Sansa Stark is two years older than her sister Arya, which means that she’s about 20 years old on the show. Sansa directly stated that she was 13 in the Season 1 premiere (aged up from 11 in the first novel). Arya Stark… [17], Sansa was born at Winterfell,[18] with Maester Luwin aiding Catelyn Stark during the delivery. Attending the Hand's tourney celebrating her father's appointment, Sansa finds many of her notions of knightly valor and chivalry reinforced, seeing the events as worthy of one of her favored stories. [2], After Eddard discovers the truth of Joffrey's parentage and tells his daughters that he is returning them to Winterfell on the Wind Witch, Sansa, in an act of defiance, runs to the queen and tells her of her father's plans, pleading that she might be allowed to stay and marry Joffrey. [37][38], Sansa remembers the night Sandor left, and she wishes he was still there. You are not the only hunter in the woods. [53], Petyr: Trust no one, I once told Eddard Stark, but he would not listen. [10], The Arryn court departs the Eyrie for the Gates of the Moon because of the onset of winter. It was the old days she hungered for. She shit on the Imp's head and flew off.Polliver: They'll find her. When Joffrey chokes and dies at the wedding feast, Sansa flees and meets with Dontos. In life, the monsters win. Eddard Stark (époux), Edmure Tully (frère), Lysa Arryn (sœur), Robb, Sansa, Arya, Bran et Rickon (enfants) Ennemi de Lannister (en partie) Créé par George R. R. Martin: Romans Le Trône de fer: Séries Game of Thrones: Catelyn Stark est l'un des personnages principaux de la saga Le Trône de fer écrite par George R. R. Martin. But that seemed more something Sansa would have done, that frightened girl. Sansa Stark is a member of House Stark and is the elder daughter of Lady Catelyn and Lord Eddard Stark. I am a bastard too now, just like him. The mule knows the way, he has no need of me. As with A Wiki of Ice and Fire, the content of Wikipedia is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. I seek for Sansa Stark as well.Brienne: Who is this Sansa Stark, and why do you seek her?Shadrich: For love, why else?Brienne: Love?Shadrich: Aye, love of gold. Sansa and her family await the Baratheon entourage. [12], Brave. [4], Later in the Eyrie, Sansa finds herself having to comfort young Robert, who is no longer able to share his mother's bed, since Petyr is in it. [21], Sansa became infatuated with Ser Waymar Royce when the young man stopped at Winterfell on his way to Castle Black. He privately mocks her for her naive nature but also displays sympathy for her predicament. He explains that Joffrey's death was due to a poison that had been smuggled into the feast, disguised as the amethysts on her hairnet, and shares with Sansa some of the details of the plot between himself and Lady Olenna to kill Joffrey. Sansa herkes ile iyi geçinebilir, kız kardeşi Arya hariç. A proper little lady. [30] Sansa develops a unique relationship with Sandor, who despite his brusque words and hideous demeanor treats her gently, protects her, and refuses to beat her at Joffrey's command. Sansa readily agrees, anxious to be free of the Lannisters, and she becomes friends with Margaery for a time. Littlefinger also has Dontos killed and dumped overboard, explaining that while he had played his part well, a drunk such as Dontos could never be entrusted to keep such sensitive information secret for long. She shared my hearth and hall, played with my own children. Sansa is appalled by this, but keeps her true feelings to herself. [45], Shadrich: A little lost sister, is it? So those are your gifts from me, my sweet Sansa ... Harry, the Eyrie, and Winterfell. The night of the battle, Sandor Clegane had come to her chambers to take her from the city, but Sansa had refused. Kız olmasına rağmen son … [40], Is it all lies, forever and ever, everyone and everything? The list of authors can be seen in the page history of House Stark. When we find the Imp, we will find the Lady Sansa too. [48], A jealous Lysa accuses Sansa of trying to seduce her new husband, and she threatens to shove the girl through the Moon Door. She could not say why she'd kept it. I do not belong here. Well, bloody good for her. In the television adaptation Game of Thrones, she is played by Sophie Turner. That night, the wildfire had set the river itself ablaze, and filled the very air with green flame. When he first meets Alayne he treats her with contempt for her bastard status. Grief had given her a haunted, vulnerable look; if anything, it had only made her more beautiful. Sansa Stark es un personaje ficticio de la saga de libros Canción de hielo y fuego del escritor George R. R. Martin.Es una de las hijas de Eddard Stark, Señor de Invernalia, Guardián del Norte y Mano del Rey Robert Baratheon.Sansa es uno de los personajes principales de la saga, contando con capítulos desde su punto de vista en cuatro de los cinco libros publicados hasta la fecha. But who could she pray to? Joffrey assures Sansa he will still get to have her sexually, stating as a king he can take whomever he wants to bed. Soul marks and bonds were a rare thing, a thing of the past. [20], Jon Snow, having covered himself with flour to appear as a ghost, once tried to scare his younger siblings in the crypt of Winterfell. [2], Life is not a song, sweetling. [13] Sansa, now thirteen, does her best to hide her feelings toward her disfigured dwarf husband, remaining courteous despite her disgust with his appearance and her deep unhappiness with the marriage. [22], Sansa names her direwolf pup Lady. Who else would I be?Petyr: With my wits and Cat's beauty, the world will be yours, sweetling. With her father Eddard Stark's appointment as Hand of the King, Sansa is delighted at the prospect of life at court in King's Landing and is thrilled by her betrothal to the handsome Prince Joffrey Baratheon.. On their journey to the capital, Sansa is frightened when she meets Ser Ilyn Payne, the King's Justice, at the crossroads inn. Sansa pleads successfully with the king to spare Dontos, and a placated Joffrey instead strips him of his knighthood and makes him a court fool, as Sansa suggested. Sansa Stark; Aegon Targaryen (Son of Elia) Tyrion Lannister; Arya Stark; Daenerys Targaryen; Davos Seaworth; Myranda Royce; Lord Royce; FakeAegon; Shireen Baratheon; Soulmate AU; Soulbonds; Angst; slowburn; FAMILIAL JON/DAENERYS; JONSA SOULMATE AU; Summary. He took a song and a kiss, and left me nothing but a bloody cloak. [25] Sansa is forced to call her father a traitor. They're all liars here, and every one better than you. While Sansa and Bran were frightened, Arya instead punched their half-brother. If it takes half the gold in Casterly Rock.Tickler: A pretty girl, I hear. She attempts to beguile Harrold during a feast held that evening at the behest of Lord Petyr Baelish. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. She knew the secret of his burned face. King Joffrey I Baratheon frequently orders her to be beaten by his Kingsguard[29] as punishment for actions taken by her rebellious brother Robb. Joffrey decides he should be killed, causing a horrified Sansa to make up a convincing lie which Sandor Clegane backs up. Sansa remains infatuated with Joffrey, largely overlooking his violent mood swings, and she develops a close relationship with Queen Cersei as well. All of the Members of the House Stark from the book series A Song of Ice and Fire by George R.R. She rips his doll and he goes into a shaking spell. “Look up, not down,” she said… but that was not possible on the descent. [45] Queen Cersei places Sansa's maids in a tower cell,[44] and Loras thinks that Sansa attempted to poison his sister Margaery as well as Joffrey. [39], My skin has turned to porcelain, to ivory, to steel. The garden had been meant for a godswood once, she knew, but the soil was too thin and stony for a weirwood to take root. [7], On their journey to the capital, Sansa is frightened when she meets Ser Ilyn Payne, the King's Justice, at the crossroads inn. The original content was at House Stark. Alayne tells Myranda that she is fourteen, a year older than Sansa actually is at the time. Their coat of arms depicts a dire wolf and their motto is “Winter is Coming.” Many prominent characters from the Song of Ice and Fire books are associated with the House Stark. Yet she stepped out all the same... She could feel the snow on her lashes, taste it on her lips. Arya Stark is the second daughter and third child of Eddard Stark and his wife Catelyn Tully. A pretty little talking bird, repeating all the pretty little words they taught you to recite. [48], She wondered where this courage had come from, to speak to him so frankly. Littlefinger arrives in time to intervene, however. [29], "I will remember, Your Grace," said Sansa, though she had always heard that love was a surer route to the people's loyalty than fear. [15], Sansa's relationship with her sister Arya is often strained, and the two are opposites in most respects. She had auburn hair, lighter than mine, and so thick and soft... the red in it would catch the light of the torches and shine like copper. Sansa remains in King's Landing, still a hostage to the Lannisters; Dontos assures her the plan to get her home is still in place after the wedding, giving her a hairnet adorned with dark purple amethysts. After briefly thinking that it is Sandor and not Lothor who rescued her, Sansa dreams of Sandor in her marriage bed, as well as the deaths of Joffrey and Robb. I could close my eyes. She remains strong and attempts to calm many of the other frightened women, despite the bitter and cynical words of a drunk Cersei, who spends her time sniping at Sansa and the other attendant ladies before storming out. He had come to Sansa in the darkness as green fire filled the sky. [24][21] After Eddard's arrest, Sansa is detained in Maegor's Holdfast, and her friend Jeyne Poole is taken away by Lord Petyr Baelish. A godswood without gods, as empty as me. Look around you, and take a good whiff. [4], A pure world, Sansa thought. Men would say she had my look, but she will grow into a woman far more beautiful than I ever was, you can see that. [8], Sandor: The little bird flew away, did she? 1 Appearance and Character 2 Books 2.1 A Game of Thrones 2.2 A Clash of Kings 2.3 A Storm of Swords 2.4 A Feast for Crows Arya Stark is a tomboyish girl who likes fighting and exploring, unlike her older sister Sansa Stark. She could still remember how it felt, when his cruel mouth pressed down on her own. When put together, the alias "Alayne" used by Sansa and the alias "Cat" used by her sister, George R. R. Martin's A World of Ice and Fire, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License,, Hostages of House Lannister in the War of the Five Kings. Joffrey shows Sansa her father's head, which has been placed on a spike in the Red Keep. Sansa, not wishing to betray her future husband, lies and refuses to verify either story, pleading that she does not remember. "If I am ever a queen, I'll make them love me. It was the taste of Winterfell. [32] During the Battle of the Blackwater Sansa takes refuge with many of the other ladies of the court in the sept of the Red Keep and the Queen's Ballroom. [54], She blushed prettily. [9] As she has grown up, her figure has been described as tall,[10] graceful,[11] and womanly. With blue eyes and auburn hair? You were kind to me. [40], Tyrion: I know I am not the sort of husband young girls dream of, Sansa, but neither am I Joffrey.Sansa: No. [48], Brienne of Tarth searches the crownlands and the riverlands for Sansa, whom she claims is her sister. Alayne Stone had no brothers, baseborn or otherwise. [26], Even after Eddard's beheading, Cersei declares that Joffrey should still be married to Sansa upon her flowering. The Hound had turned craven, she heard it said; at the height of the battle, he got so drunk the Imp had to take his men. Sansa remembers that Joffrey Baratheon was attractive as well, but cruel, while the ugly Tyrion Lannister was kinder. When you are a little older, many a man will drown in those eyes. [33], As Stannis Baratheon's army approaches the city, Sansa experiences her first flowering, making her officially a woman. Sansa is asked to sup with Margaery Tyrell and her grandmother Olenna Redwyne. She pleads in front of the king and his retainers for mercy. Later on, Sansa remembers something more happening, she believes Sandor kissed her that night. Your sister sang me a sweet little song. [7] Luwin has also educated the Stark children. [12] Sansa is described as soft-spoken and sweet-smelling. Even in the castle, Sansa had been afraid. She could almost hear the rough rasp of his voice. Alayne befriends Lord Nestor's daughter, Myranda Royce, and helps Robert during the journey down the Giant's Lance. She loved nothing so well as tales of knightly valor. [10] Theon Greyjoy, the ward of Lord Eddard Stark, has pondered wedding Sansa and being accepted by Eddard as a son. I remember. [28], Now effectively a hostage in the Red Keep, Sansa armors herself in her lady's courtesies as she dutifully goes through the motions of denouncing her family as traitors and pleading to them for peace. Sansa is homesick in the Eyrie, and when snow falls in the courtyard where the godswood would not grow, she makes an elaborate snow fort, which eventually takes the shape of Winterfell. She helped murder my son. Feigning a newfound piety to the old gods, Sansa makes frequent trips to the godswood to meet with Dontos, at first seeing him as a gallant rescuer who seeks redemption for the shame he brought upon himself, though she eventually comes to doubt his competence. She also develops a crush on Ser Loras Tyrell, the Knight of Flowers; when he gives her a red rose, she is certain she is living in a romantic song. [7] Sansa is fond of lemon cakes,[16] with Gage making the treats whenever possible. Jon Snow'u da tam olarak benimseyememiş ve kardeşlerinin aksine ondan bahsederken hep "yarı kardeşimiz" ifadesini kullanmıştır. She is eight years old at the start of A Game of Thrones. Jon Arryn's bannermen will never love me, nor our silly, shaking Robert, but they will love their Young Falcon ... and when they come together for his wedding, and you come out with your long auburn hair, clad in a maiden's cloak of white and grey with a direwolf emblazoned on the back ... why, every knight in the Vale will pledge his sword to win you back your birthright. [8] She is eleven years old at the start of A Song of Ice and Fire. He was the older brother of Benjen, Lyanna and the younger brother of Brandon Stark. "[34], I would be gladder if it were the Hound, Sansa thought. I could be good to you. Can you do that? The murder of Catelyn's oldest son Robb drives her further over the edge. She did not say it, though. Sometimes she lay awake at night, wondering if she'd been wise. [4], No one will ever marry me for love. [23], Sansa feuds with Arya in King's Landing, placing the majority of the blame on her sister for Lady's death. Bran Stark. In the morning, Lysa reveals she knows Sansa is her niece. [43] With Sansa having disappeared, it is widely believed that she conspired with her husband. Coming up, Mya had warned her to keep her eyes on the path ahead, she remembered. She is not dead ... but before I am done with her, I promise you, she will be singing to the Stranger, begging for his kiss. [35], After the Lannister victory, it is announced that Sansa's betrothal to Joffrey is at an end, for the Crown's alliance with the Tyrells includes a marriage pact between Joffrey and Lord Mace Tyrell's daughter, Margaery Tyrell. Sansa Stark, Eddard and Catelyn's elder daughter. [49], You have your mother's eyes. When Olenna tries to find out more about Joffery, Sansa confesses that the king is a monster and begs Margaery not to marry him. Sansa Stark is one of the major POV characters in the books. [54], Stannis Baratheon wants to bestow Winterfell on Jon Snow, now Lord Commander of the Night's Watch, but Jon insists the castle is his half-sister Sansa's birthright. To warn Sansa about dangers she faces, Sandor Clegane tells the girl how his brother, Ser Gregor Clegane, burned his face. Arya Stark Lord Eddard Stark'ın serinin başlangıcında 9 yaşında olan en küçük kızıdır. Sansa is saved by the intervention of Ser Lothor Brune, Littlefinger's personal guard. In the dark, I am the Knight of Flowers, he had said. [13], Raised as a lady, Sansa possesses the traditional feminine graces of her milieu, with a keen interest in music, poetry, singing, dancing, embroidery, and other traditional feminine activities. [51], During a meeting of the new small council of King Tommen I Baratheon, Queen Regent Cersei Lannister is angered that Sansa, whom Cersei believes she tried to mentor, helped to murder her son. She is currently hiding in the Vale of Arryn as Alayne Stone. She has three brothers: Robb, Bran and Rickon; a younger sister: Arya; and a half-brother: Jon Snow. To assuage the queen, Sansa's direwolf Lady is killed by Eddard instead. Her doing so unwittingly aids Cersei's plot against her father. But lying came easy to her now. You didn’t know that, did you? A gift from the Old Gods. You are Alayne, and you must be Alayne all the time. [42], Sansa wears the hairnet she had received from Dontos to the wedding between Joffrey and Margaery. List of references to Game of Thrones in other media, Telltale video game navigation sub-portal, Miguel Sapochnik - co-showrunner/director, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Script for Season 8 Episode 6: "The Iron Throne", HBO viewers guide, season 2 guide to houses, House Stark - Sansa Stark entry,,, Before Sansa has time to digest what happened, Robert comes out and destroys the castle which upsets her even more. [53], I ought to have shown her to the black cells as the daughter of a traitor, but instead I made her part of mine own household. [13][39], Not wishing to lose their hostage, Lord Tywin Lannister acts quickly to marry Sansa to Tyrion Lannister against the wishes of both parties. Her hair was a rich autumn auburn, her eyes a deep Tully blue. When her brothers find an orphaned litter of direwolf pups, Sansa adopts the gentlest one and names her Lady.King Robert Baratheon visits Winterfell to offer Sansa's father the position of Hand of the King.Robert also offers to betroth his son Joffrey to Sansa. [54], I am not your daughter, she thought. She correctly surmises that Lyn is under Petyr's employ, which Littlefinger confirms. Honest eyes, and innocent. She refuses, and he makes her sing for him at knifepoint. Tyrion Lannister, Sansa's estranged husband. , the blood of Winterfell House of Westeros Sansa too addition to the wedding feast Sansa... 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